Need Help with Audio Setup


Dec 13, 2012
Need help picking audio components for my setup. Setup is a 50" 1080p Vizio, X360, PS2, Firestick loaded with Kodi, Custom PC using 2 monitors. I will be getting the PS4 Neo whenever it comes out, reveal is Sept 7th. Goal is to listen to music, improve the audio when playing console games, watching tv shows, movies and sports. Im debating on whether to go 2.1, 5.1 or even a 7.1 setup for Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, but its a long shot.

Would like to get a receiver that supports 4K HDR since the Neo will most likely support both 4K and HDR. Will upgrade my TV eventually to a 60" 4K HDR. Some receivers Ive been looking at are the Yamaha RX-V381, V481 and the V581. Receiver should be under $400 but if its a really good one that fits my setup nicely then I'll consider going up to $450 or $500. I have an old Yamaha YST-SW030 Subwoofer that still works. Would be nice if I could use it so I can save money or use it towards better speakers or receiver. My old speakers broke so I would need a new set. Front speakers need to be bookshelf since I dont want giant speakers sitting on my desk. If I go for a 5.1 setup than the rear speakers will be on a stand and have to be wireless. For a 2.1 setup the Cambridge Audio Minx Min 12 caught my eye since they are so small. Some speakers for a 5.1 setup Ive looked at are the Definitive Technology ProCinema 400 and Polk Audio Blackstone TL150. If I go with a 7.1 setup than I would get Onkyo SKH-410 for Dolby Atmos.

My old Yamaha Sub Specs:

My Setup:
Since you are on a tight budget I would suggest starting with a 3.1 system. Get the left/center/right speakers. It's important that the center matches the voicing of the left and right so getting them at the same time makes sense). Use your subwoofer for now and upgrade later.
If you have to have tiny speakers the Cambridge is good and you can get a third one for the center. If you can go bigger it will be better because really small satellites don't go down far enough in range to meld with the subwoofer. The result is a suck out in the bass that can't easily be fixed and is very noticeable. Makes getting the sub level right impossible.
The best way to choose a speaker is to listen to them. It's not always a matter of good or bad but of vanilla and chocolate. One important factor is how the speaker sound at a low level, When you lose detail and clarity, especially in voices, you have to turn the system up and then when it gets loud down again. Surround effects get buried in the sound since they are often at low volume in relation to the front speakers.
Problem with going 5.1 is the placement of the speakers and how I watch content on my TVs. I'll leave a link below of my room layout. 90% of the time I watch TV or play games Im on my couch but sometimes I like to layback on my bed especially when I have friends over and they takeover the couch. So the best and really the only spot for the rear speakers would be by the locker and nightstand. Im no expert on audio so this is why Im asking but if Im closer to the front speakers wouldnt the sound be unbalanced?? Would look dumb if the speakers were on each side of the couch. Thats why I want to go with the 3.1 layout since I would put the center speaker between the 2 monitor stands, fits nicely in that deadspace.