need help with surround sound


Jun 21, 2015
guys so my brother pc have a asus m5a78l-m usb3 it supports dts and dolby and the receiver is onkyo tx-ds494 which supports both dts and dolby digital.The is that he gets pro logic which is fake when using spdif when going to audio playback devices the optical connection have 2 option default and properties i can't click the configure option the latest driver are installed and in properties when testing dts and dolby both work when going to advanced tab there is no option for 5.1 even when playing assassin's creed 3 which supports dts it didn't output now i know that u need audio that supports dts or dolby so what is the solution for this

I can't make anything out from this post. What are you trying to do? Play computer audio as 5.1 and it's not working? Most optical connections don't support 5.1 audio.

yes i want to play 5.1 from pc using spdif