Need urgent help (sketchy e-mail)


Jul 27, 2016
Not sure where to post so I'll put it here. My friend's mother recieved this on her work email from her own email (so basically she recieved an email from her own email address, so I guess someone entered the email and sent this to himself). He sent it to me because he's not so sure what to do or where to ask so I came here
The reason I haven't censored the password is actually because the password he stated was not correct. Still, it didn't make sense to me why would it say a wrong password when it was sent from her own email. The email in question was a business one as he says, so no personal stuff was involved, it was used in a very formal and work way. It seems copy-pasta to me but the fact that it was sent from the email in question was the thing worrying him. What is he supposed to do? I don't know how to help him.

Wiping the PC is not really an option since she has a * of stuff on it and not enough time.

Full wipe and reinstall is ALWAYS an option.
May be a painful option, but it is an option.

(and watch the language, please)

He states he has taken screencaps from this "hack".
Unless he can actually show one, ignore this junkmail.
he can use free network tools to check who on his network. on his pc turn off file sharing and print sharing. also turn off remote connection in windows 10. person wont be able to dial into his pc. on his wifi change the admin and wifi passwords. have him use a free vpn so his pc are not seen whe nthere on the net. have him google himslef ie email names used see where they pop up.

A real ransomware, or simply a dead drive, does not care about how much stuff you have on it, or how much time you do or do not have.
Poof, gone.

backup backup backup