Let's be clear, DSD is not anywhere close to 64x the quality of a CD as the description inaccurately suggests. It's just a different way of encode audio and has it's own set of drawbacks. It is better than CD quality though.
Studios use PCM standard which supports sampling rates between 44.1 and 192Khz @ 16 to 24 bit depth. The reason 44.1Khz is still the CD standard for is because it's good enough. Your average person use bagain boxed surround sound speakers and inexpensive earbuds plugged into potable music players. Ultra high quality recordings are not going to sound better in these systems. The masses cannot afford the studio quality sound systems to reap the benefits.
Studios use PCM standard which supports sampling rates between 44.1 and 192Khz @ 16 to 24 bit depth. The reason 44.1Khz is still the CD standard for is because it's good enough. Your average person use bagain boxed surround sound speakers and inexpensive earbuds plugged into potable music players. Ultra high quality recordings are not going to sound better in these systems. The masses cannot afford the studio quality sound systems to reap the benefits.