Network Problems..Blackberry straight talk...


Jun 14, 2017
I have an older Black Berry Curve, straight talk. Internet connection has always been great. About a month ago I could no longer connect to internet (unless I was using wi-fi from home) The error says: Unable to connect to internet, if problem persist contact service provider. Straight talk has been NO help at all. Its appear I can no longer access Verizon? I have all the bars…The signal says No coverage IP address Signal -103dBmM (Zero). Is there anywhere on the phone I can put Verizon as the carrier. Any help is much appreciated.
When you're at home and using your own Internet connection through wi-fi and it works. When you go out, you have to find the same facility,even if it means paying for it or putting up with a load of annoying advertising pop-ups on every page you open. To connect through your Service Provider is costly even if they can let you do it.

Go to your local McDonalds if you have one, and test their wireless system.


Jun 14, 2017
No I pay 45.00 a month straight talk and have always had the ability to connect to Internet via Mobile Connections (not just wi-fi). Straight Talk confirmed this they just don’t know why mine isn’t working now.