New Asus ROG G750JZ strange noise?


Jan 2, 2014
UPDATED: Link to a video where you can hear the noise...description in my last post.

Just bought this thing....

Fired it up to start installing some programs and attempt to clean the bloatware off (keyword attempt because windows 8.1 is a nightmare to navigate.

Anyways, I noticed this odd noise coming from the back of the laptop on the right side at the fan port...

Its clearly the fan running, but first question is, is the fan supposed to run all the time? I mean its running even at an idle...

Next question is...the noise its making...if I press down on the back of the laptop where the fan port is where the noise comes stops...goes quiet....could this be a defect?

Im not sure, this is my first real gaming laptop, so maybe the fan is always supposed to run IDK?

Not really, but since you just bought the unit I would without doubt immediately RMA the unit. The noise is abnormal obviously, as opposed to normal fan noise which you would not be able to affect by tilting the monitor nor by applying pressure. It's highly likely something could have been damaged during manufacture or shipping and I'd have it replaced if it was me.
You should be able to change fan settings in both the advanced power options section of control panel Power category and most systems have at least a basic setting in the BIOS. However, there shouldn't be noticeable noise from the fan other than just the standard sound that is emitted from any fan. It also probably shouldn't be run at full speed at all times, although, being a gaming unit it may actually have a fan for the GPU and for the CPU and/or be setup to run constantly to deal with the additional heat of the higher end GPU card.
Dual independent intelligent fans and copper heatsinks for maximum efficiency and minimum noise

So it does have dual fans. I'd install HWinfo or another program capable of thermal monitoring and see if there is a reason for the fan behavior. It could be you happened to get a unit with a faulty fan if it seems abnormally noisy.


Jan 2, 2014
Well, Ive been watching it a little...I downloaded the HWinfo program..

I let the system sit at idle...and the temp is around 40-42C....thats with me touching nothing..running nothing other than what the system boots up with and again this is brand new out the box..

It seems the fan kicks on at 45C or above....and the system seems to go over that temp. quite often while just sitting idle....It will slowly climb over 45 C then I get the fan kicking on....After about 30-60 seconds the temp drops back below 45C and the fan turns off..

Its extremely annoying, Im just trying to figure out if this is normal...The only thing I see using CPU% is McAfee spiking it to maybe 1% at most at random intervals....

Any ideas? I mean if the fans are meant to kick on at 45C or above, then why the hell does it run so close to 45C already, and go over that if I even move a desktop icon around.
Well, with gaming rigs you've got a lot of hardware crammed into a small space. A relatively high end GPU, which creates far more heat than the average graphics adapter and the cpu is likely set for turbo as well so that definitely adds heat as soon as something cpu intensive like a system process makes demands. Here's a quote and link from the ASUS ROG website so you can investigate further. That's probably your best bet for finding solutions, if any exist, being as everybody else there has the same or similar rigs.

This isn't a mystery causing the fan to increase and decrease, it is increasing and decreasing in speed due to temperature sensor change showing an increase in heat, that triggers the fan to increase in speed, and when the temperature goes down and the sensor shows this decrease, the fan is slowed down.

It is possible that the JZ fan map has a trigger point very close to your idle temperature, so a small increase / decrease causes it to spin up and down. The JH has this problem.
Not really, but since you just bought the unit I would without doubt immediately RMA the unit. The noise is abnormal obviously, as opposed to normal fan noise which you would not be able to affect by tilting the monitor nor by applying pressure. It's highly likely something could have been damaged during manufacture or shipping and I'd have it replaced if it was me.