Hi guys, my name is Emad. I recently bought A new gaming laptop MSI GE Series GE72 Apache Pro-077 - Specs on this link http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152817 - I have really annoying problem that i wish someone could help me fixing it. i play game called rocket league in this game i'm getting lag/high ping every single game for few seconds. this happens most of the time 1 time each game.you may say this is because of my connection, but i have the game on my old laptop and and play it on the same connection and i don't get this problem never. i also play browser game agar.io and i'm getting the same problem.I like this laptop and i don't want to return it because it will cost me a lot of money and time and effort.Operation system is windows 8.1 home and i've upgraded to windows 10 but it didn't fix it then downgraded to windows 8.1 again. i have another problem that shodowplay doesn't record sound in games,but i don't care much about this problem and i'm trying to fix it with nvidia support.Thanks in advance.