New notebook for an architect...any suggestions??


Dec 1, 2010
i'm an architect, i need a notebook for working with Adobe suite, Autocad, 3d/render programs...
But i can't choose: apple macbookpro is so cool but so expensive...for sure there are notebooks more performing and cheaper, aren't?
please, any suggestions??
that's hard to tell
i know what your problem is apple laptop's are one of the best but dead expensive
What is your budget anyway ??

Do you need Apple or PC? I think the latter will run all the CAD software you need.

Some of the 3D software are optimised to run on certain GPU or have a optimum systems requirements. This should be your starting point for choosing a laptop that will fit those needs.

My guess is that you will need a customisable model, which you can get from Asus, Sony and Lenovo... and I think you're looking at $2000+ bill.

Laptop Advice Guide:
(I'm a structural engineer.) Autocad doesn't gain much with a fancy GPU, but if you do a lot of rendering then that would help a little. So for everything but rendering an ordinary laptop will work. Autocad needs a lot of ram so for sure get 4GB, and get the fastest processor you can get. Revit is pickier than Autocad but still works fine on my Dell business class laptop. The problem with Revit can be getting good drivers for the video card.

Depending on your price range you can get a reasonable laptop at BestBuy or Dell for between $500 and $1000. You can get professional quality (business) notebooks from Dell, HP and Lenovo but they will cost about as much as a Macbook Pro. Many of these fancier notebooks do come with a fancier GPU. A Macbook pro is fine, just be sure to get enough ram and load Win7 on it, but when you get into that price range it is no better or worse than a business class Dell/HP/Lenovo machine.

If you are going to do a lot of revit or autocad with large models, then you might look for a notebook with more than 4GB of ram and get Windows 7 64bit version. We run Win7 64bit on our desktops at work along with 8GB of ram.
thanks for all answers!

so...I find these:

sony vaio:

that compered to a Macbookpro 15" or to a dell Precision 15", this sony vaio is quite similar but cheaper, isn't??