New TV Choice


Apr 16, 2014

I am looking to buy a new TV to be used with my xbox s and general website streaming / virgin box.

I have been looking at the following, Panasonic 50EX700 or 58EX700 but am not sure if its worth going for the more expensive Panasonic 50EX750B.

What are the main notable/ noticeable differences?

Are there any other TV's in the £800 - £1000 bracket i should consider?


These appear to be mostly the same architecture just in different panel sizes. I think 750 is a step-up in some way but I'm still looking.

They are middle tier (for Panasonic in 2017). EX is the class, and they are 50" and 58".

You need to sit very close to 4K to benefit over 1080p. Experts say it's about 1.5x the diagonal. My advice is roughly 2x the diagonal since 1.5x is impractical and unfortunately makes weaker quality content look horrible.

So measure from your EYE (or average everybody) to the HDTV screen middle then divide that number by 2. If in doubt I might go bigger though again any compressed video or video artifacts look even worse. Do you want 4K to look great at the expense of so-so quality looking horrible or just...
These appear to be mostly the same architecture just in different panel sizes. I think 750 is a step-up in some way but I'm still looking.

They are middle tier (for Panasonic in 2017). EX is the class, and they are 50" and 58".

You need to sit very close to 4K to benefit over 1080p. Experts say it's about 1.5x the diagonal. My advice is roughly 2x the diagonal since 1.5x is impractical and unfortunately makes weaker quality content look horrible.

So measure from your EYE (or average everybody) to the HDTV screen middle then divide that number by 2. If in doubt I might go bigger though again any compressed video or video artifacts look even worse. Do you want 4K to look great at the expense of so-so quality looking horrible or just find a middle ground?

(I'd also consider a compatible SOUND BAR at some point since audio is horrible on all HDTV's)

I believe that the "B" in 750B just means black not silver.

*okay, the reason it costs more is it supports 3D using active shutter (so battery lenses, not passive coated lenses):

"Last and least: the EX750 is the only model in the entire range to support 3D. It uses the active shutter system. Demand for 3D has dwindled to the point where most manufacturers just don’t bother any more, but you may want to look at this model if you’ve invested heavily in 3D Blu-rays."

ACTIVE SHUTTER (my two cents):

People used to prefer PASSIVE (what the theater uses) but I think modern HDTV's have solved most of the issues that ACTIVE SHUTTER had, so it should be proper brightness with a sharp image if done properly.
I couldn't find it online anywhere.

I think I have it down to between these two

kd-55xe8577 or kd-55xe8596 but I cannot tell the difference?? do you have any ideas?


As far as i can see the only difference is the XE8577 has a silver frame and the XE8596 has a black frame, otherwise they have the very same specs...