Newbie confused.



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I use digital cable and don't understand if RTV can record a program on one
channel while I'm watching a program on another channel. Is this possible?
I think it is, I just don't understand how it works.

Where is RTV connected? Is it between my Set Top box and the television?
If so, I thought the output of my Set Top box was one channel only from the
Set Top box. If the RTV is connected on the input side of my Set Top box,
how does the signal become de-scrambled?

I know the RTV has it's own tuner, I just don't understand how this makes a

Thanks in advance for shedding any light on this subject for someone whose
batteries have become dimmer with time.
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On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 13:58:21 -0500, "Bill & Debbie"
<> wrote:

>I use digital cable and don't understand if RTV can record a program on one
>channel while I'm watching a program on another channel. Is this possible?
>I think it is, I just don't understand how it works.
>Where is RTV connected? Is it between my Set Top box and the television?

That, of course, depends on where you connected it.

>If so, I thought the output of my Set Top box was one channel only from the
>Set Top box.

It is. You need another set top box if you want to use 2 channels from
digital cable at the same time. Connect the second box directly to the

> If the RTV is connected on the input side of my Set Top box,
>how does the signal become de-scrambled?

It doesn't with that configuration. With it, you will not be able to
use the Replay with digital cable (analog cable only).

>I know the RTV has it's own tuner, I just don't understand how this makes a

For the Replay, it's not the tuner that limits you (you shouldn't even
be using it with digital cable, A/V inputs are much better) but the
MPEG encoder. That limits the Replay to processing ONE channel at a
time, regardless of input.

>Thanks in advance for shedding any light on this subject for someone whose
>batteries have become dimmer with time.

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."
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In article <cvvpkh$p49$>,
"Bill & Debbie" <> wrote:

> I use digital cable and don't understand if RTV can record a program on one
> channel while I'm watching a program on another channel. Is this possible?

No. To receive digital cable, you need an external tuner. That
external tuner is your cable box. It has only one tuner. Therefore, no
matter which TV receiver you're watching--Replay or your TV--you can
tune to only one channel.

You could give your ReplayTV its own cable box; at that point, it would
have its own digital cable tuner and could record whatever it wanted
completely separate from whatever the other cable box is playing on the
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In article <cvvtda$qcf$>,
"Bill & Debbie" <> wrote:

> How does RTV control my Cable Set-top box?

You're supposed to put an IR blaster from your ReplayTV to in front of
your cable box. Then, when your ReplayTV wants to change the channel,
it literally sends the same "change to this channel" command as your
remote control does.