Nexus 4 wireless speeds through 5GHZ band cappped at 65mbps?


Oct 14, 2013

My nexus 4 which is updated to the most recent version of android, is capped at 65 mbps no matter which band I use. Both 5ghz and 2.4 ghz(which support a/b/g/n/ac) max out at 65 mbps even if I'm a foot from the router. My laptop gets 144 mbps on the 2.4ghz band, which I assume is normal for N speeds, while my phone only gets 65. I am wondering if it is connecting to A instead of N like it should be and I cannot find a way to check this on my phone.

Thank you and if you need more information just ask,

Sorry I couldn't help.
Since it's a LOCAL transfer then a faster connection...
What SHOULD you be getting?

The only info I could find is that your theoretical HDSPA speed is a max of 42Mbps. I could find nothing about wi-fi max speed.

That speed doesn't sound too bad. My NETWORK connection is capped at 6Mbps and is fast enough to watch Netflix HD shows so I'm not certain what you'd do in real life to notice the difference.

I figured that because I'm using Wireless N I should be getting around 144 mbps much like any other device. As for what I would do in real life it's mostly file transfer that I would like to actually be quick. But mostly it's just because I'd like to get the max speeds I can via LAN.


Sorry I couldn't help.
Since it's a LOCAL transfer then a faster connection would benefit you. If you'd only used the INTERNET it wouldn't have mattered.

Sorry I couldn't help.
Since it's a LOCAL transfer then a faster connection would benefit you. If you'd only used the INTERNET it wouldn't have mattered.