No Audio Reception with AV Control Centre using Laptop and Projector

Jester Maroc

Apr 30, 2013
Hi all,

I am playing videos from my laptop with an Optoma 1080P projector, however the amp that I am connecting through does not receive any audio (or does not play any audio). Let me explain the setup:

From Dell Latitude with HDMI out > Sony AV Control Centre with HDMI out (using port BD or DVD) > Optoma 1080P Projector.

The projector with its tiny on-board speaker is able to play audio but the Sony does not play any audio. I am not sure if I am missing some setting that needs adjustment, but the laptop does not detect the AV. It is able to detect the projector even though it is not directly connected to it. This does not make any sense to me.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Jester Maroc

Apr 30, 2013

Hi, sorry for replying so late! For some reason I did not receive a notification of your answer. That is actually exactly what happened, the Projector was receiving sound but we were not aware of it until I un-muted it.

However, we think that the Sony AV is the problem. We disconnected everything from the AV and then connected a DVD player and had the AV push the audio straight to the speakers and there was only static. The Sony AV belongs to my brother in law, and he has not used it for quite a while. I am guessing he will try to get it looked at.