jessicacyrus1 :
Seankay :
jessicacyrus1 :
COLGeek :
jessicacyrus1 :
I have also account in the same site and I can ask for you. send me your username or email id.
This is not recommended. Sharing personal info with a complete stranger can lead to unintended outcomes.
Okay sorry for it! I just want to help him.
If you can contact a mod or admin over there about this might help!
May be I can Post an thread on his issue or PM to admin of that site.
The person with the problem should be the one to do this. He/she has been informed on how to contact the site's admins/mods. There is not much else that can be done from this end to solve a problem on another site.
Offers of third party intervention are not recommended because you can't confirm the specific account details that should be required to solve the member issues on their site.
Thank you for your willingness to assist, but I think we need to close the discussion on this topic.
Have a good day.