Solved! No recording devices installed?

Oct 10, 2018
My grandma got this laptop a few months ago(it has windows 10) and she has this issue with other people being unable to hear her when she's on skype.The other side can hear her for a few seconds,then it cuts outs out,then they hear her,then it cuts out.

When I right click on the speaker icon in the toolbar and go to sounds,in the recording section is says "no audio devices installed".

I've done you name it but the sound keeps cutting out.I've reinstalled,uninstalled,updated the driver,troubleshooted but nothing.Though after uninstalling the driver and restarting the laptop,in the recording section it does show an audio device but then some other times,I restart the laptop and it disappears??
you don't. You can right click it and select to install latest drivers through windows, but it'll most likely tell you the latest is already installed. If installing drivers from the package downloaded from support page isn't taking and they aren't actually installing (you can check by right clicking the device and going to properties or something like that to check driver version) then to manually install you need to download the zip version of the drivers and unpack to a folder, then go to install drivers but choose manual installation instead of automatic then install from another source, browse for drivers, then navigate to the folder you unpacked and locate the driver and install.

I downloaded the laptop's drivers but I'm not sure how and which driver to install.
When I go to device manager,under "audio inputs and outputs",it doesn't even have a "microphone" driver.Only "speakers".So I don't even know where to begin with,with the installation of the latest driver since there's not "microphone" driver in device manager.

On my laptop,it also says "microphone" under "audio inputs and outputs".
Where should I go on device manager so I can install the latest driver?
you don't. You can right click it and select to install latest drivers through windows, but it'll most likely tell you the latest is already installed. If installing drivers from the package downloaded from support page isn't taking and they aren't actually installing (you can check by right clicking the device and going to properties or something like that to check driver version) then to manually install you need to download the zip version of the drivers and unpack to a folder, then go to install drivers but choose manual installation instead of automatic then install from another source, browse for drivers, then navigate to the folder you unpacked and locate the driver and install.

Thanks for your reply.
Turns out all it needed was a usb microphone.

Well of course using an external mic would work I could've told you that. But wasn't going to immediately just say to buy a microphone for it and instead tried to help diagnose the problem with the built in one. Especially since you say you just recently bought it which I assumed it to be brand new which should mean the mic shouldn't just not work like it's supposed to.

But seeing as how it wasn't going well so far and that you've already invested the money into one, then I hope this external mic continues to work well for you. Remember to register the device, that way if it ever stops functioning within the time frame of the warranty, you will have an easier time confirming with the manufacturer that you did in fact purchase the product and are entitled to a replacement.