Nokia's First Windows Phone 7 Devices: W7, W8

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W7 is abbreviation for Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow!
And W8 Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow!

"Specs for the devices aren’t yet final, and Nokia supposedly has a total of 12 Windows Phone 7 devices planned for 2012 alone, so expect a lot more WP7/Nokia news in the coming months."

Interesting Apple has just 1 phone per generation instead 12 and is so much more successful! :) What's the reason for that?
[citation][nom]Zingam[/nom]Interesting Apple has just 1 phone per generation instead 12 and is so much more successful! What's the reason for that?[/citation]

Because Apple caters to the "simplistic" user, the phone OS is "dumbed down" and people love simplicity, most people can learn how to use iOS easily and even though Android has a slightly similar appearance, can be much more complex to change settings and instead Android lets users customize every aspect of their phone, iOS lets you change the theme at least, I think..
Oh sorry I somehow get sidetracked by comments instead of commenting on the article..

These phones will be good, but there's one thing holding them back: WP7.
Yes, the OS is a solid stable OS but it's lacking in app development, games and lots of stuff.

A good thing about WP7 is it's minimum requirements to even run the OS, which means it's a great place for game developers since they know what the slowest devices will be capable of.
About time Nokia came out with this product. Now I can scrap my Samsung's Omnia 7 that has been quite faulty lately,when they come out next year.
Wow, this page got infested by bots!

On the article side, I'm really happy to see Nokia offering competitive smartphone products, as their build quality has been astounding as of late (see N7 and N8), and pairing that with a real smartphone OS will be a great boost.

Even as a proponent of Android, I'm quite excited, as I really think this could help WP7 become competitive!
12 models? For real? Why not try out a little less than that? Are they going to fill the current full Symbian gamma (dumbphones to the N8)?

I liked the N8 (a coworker has it and it's very cool). Hope WP 7/8 is better than Symbian^3 on the feel, otherwise you're going down.

GL Nokia... GL...

[citation][nom]scrumworks[/nom]Jane, Why there is a promo picture of N8 in this article with no caption?[/citation]

It's specified in the post that it's an N8:

[citation][nom]Jane McE.[/nom]Meanwhile, the W8 will be a variant on the Finnish’s company’s N8 handset (pictured here) and will have a 12-megapixel camera.[/citation]
[citation][nom]Zingam[/nom]W7 is abbreviation for Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow!And W8 Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow! ...[/citation]

Or more likely

But there is one thing in Nokia strategy that I can not understand - a dozen manufacturers already tried their luck with W7 devices and it DIDN'T work, what are Nokia thinking, making a loosing bet again i think.
WP7 didn't work? Are you stupid? They could have said the same thing about Android even one full year after the OS arrived, and it's only been a few months since WP7 hit the US. Now Android is #1. I think that your assessment of its failure is simply wishful thinking on the part of an iOS or Android fanboy who can't stand the notion that he may not own the coolest toy on the block any more.
[citation][nom]GNexus[/nom]WP7 didn't work? Are you stupid? They could have said the same thing about Android even one full year after the OS arrived, and it's only been a few months since WP7 hit the US. Now Android is #1. I think that your assessment of its failure is simply wishful thinking on the part of an iOS or Android fanboy who can't stand the notion that he may not own the coolest toy on the block any more.[/citation]
No I am not stupid, but you have to ask this question yourself!
Why are MS keeping their sales figures so close to their chest then , why are they not proudly announcing how well their OS has done?
It looks like you are the fanboy here, since you can't see the facts and would blame everyone that does not agree with your opinion to be iOS / Android fanboy, these are actually quite different OSes and somewhat attrackt different people, although are recognised by all!
[citation][nom]everlast66[/nom]No I am not stupid, but you have to ask this question yourself!Why are MS keeping their sales figures so close to their chest then , why are they not proudly announcing how well their OS has done?It looks like you are the fanboy here, since you can't see the facts and would blame everyone that does not agree with your opinion to be iOS / Android fanboy, these are actually quite different OSes and somewhat attrackt different people, although are recognised by all![/citation]
And how many Android phones did Google sell during the initial months after its release?
Windows "Phone" 7 will have already foundered by then. Nokia's screwed. Besides, if they had partnered with Google and made a decent set of phones they could have been back in the market, instead they choose to go with Microsoft. But what do we really expect from eurotrash?
The Spam is killing the site, no one wants to have to scroll past 4-5 pages of spammy adds just to get to the next post. Its not hard to add Capcha or email activation at account registry and scan each post for keypatterns/words.

Please fix thoose issues or THW might not be my first choice of HW news anymore, its starting to get really annoying!
[citation][nom]thekurrgan[/nom]Q2-2012? Windows "Phone" 7 will have already foundered by then. Nokia's screwed. Besides, if they had partnered with Google and made a decent set of phones they could have been back in the market, instead they choose to go with Microsoft. But what do we really expect from eurotrash?[/citation]

That "Eurotrash" has been the No 1 cell phone manufacturer for more than 10 years. And guess what: Nokia STILL IS number 1. But their share is down to 'only' ~30%, so they are reacting, before they fall even further.

I guess you sir have a cell phone of your one. Even if it not a Nokia, please understand that you would not have a cell phone if it weren't for Nokia.

Every European and his donkey had a mobile phone while you in the US still used car phones and paid a million dollars for a 25 seconds call, so have a little respect for us, citizens of Eurotrash.
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