Archived from groups: microsoft.public.pocketpc (
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Hi Thank for your suggestion. I tried that previously and it worked.
That was some time back. I was wondering why this happen in the first
place ? How to prevent it ?
This time round. I was very fortunate that after many tries of
synching, it flag the trouble file. I went to the PDA to check. Then
I realise that it Read-Only. I'm synching with my laptop when this
happens. However, when I sync with my PC at home, I don't have such
problems at all.
Maybe MS should enhance ActiveSync to say why the file cannot be
updated instead of getting me in a loop.
"Sven, MVP-Mobile Devices" <> wrote in message news:<#ALTnYgxEHA.4040@TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl>...
> Make a temporary folder next to your Sync'd files folder on the desktop and
> move one file at a time, out of the sync'd folder into the temp one, till
> you find the culprit. Or move them all and put them back one by one.
> --
> Sven, MS-MVP Mobile Devices
> "flahmeshess" <> wrote in message
> > I have a funny problem in File Synchronisation.
> >
> > It sync the file and then it says 2 files not sync. Then it goes on
> > and on, trying to sync the file.
> >
> > I have no idea which file or how to solve this. Help ? thanks.