Not just any Tablet

Dec 21, 2013
Hello forum, I am looking to buy a tablet. The primary functions for use will be in this order: reading, watching movies (on the go and connect through HDMI), and web browsing. I am not one to jump on the bandwagon and buy something because it is advertised every 10 minutes, or because the major electronic stores are promoting it, and definitely not because all my friends have one. I am simply looking for good quality, speed, high storage (internally with option for external increase) great font/video display and availability to download and play multiple formats. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Well, for the Android based Tablets actually anything goes...... The Lenovo IdeaTab S6000 should do you good....
Want to increase your budget and go Higher... then the Sony Xperia Tablet Z will do and if you're going the windows way then the Surface Pro 2....
All these tabs have their plus points and their minus points..... but once you get into using tabs, it's just like getting used to them....
Watching movies is fun no doubt but drains the battery pretty fast.... like after 2 movies you're already at half the battery levels....
But as you get used to it's battery cycle, you'll know when you want to do what and keep it charged in the same way....
But from the top , I think Displays and functionality are the most important assets the rest of it can be lived with.

Thank you alyoska for your reply. I will look into those mentioned. There are so many out there, you have given me a good start.
Look into the Nexus line of tablets. Either the 7 or 10. The 7 is, at least in my opinion, the best bang for your buck while supporting any format you throw at it. It also has the brightest, richest screen out there. The Nexus tablets also support "Qi" wireless charging so you can just throw them on a charge pad when not in use to make sure you always have maximum battery levels available, no fiddling with plugs or awkward docks.