Obama Appoints 5th RIAA Lawyer into DOJ

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Now he has proven to be the socialist that I feared.

Yeah who needs socialism, we don't need anything from the government. Who wants social assistance, unemployment insurance, welfare, fire departments, police, a justice system, health care, parks, libraries, schools, etc anyways? Just be rich and you don't have to worry about that stuff. Of course for the other 99%, just go fuck yourselves.
Stealing is stealing; stop playing the victim.
This whole "I don't want to give my money to the evil corporation" garbage is non-sense. And people wonder why all that you hear and see on Mtv and radio stations is pop and rap music.. maybe because it sells records?
Not to mention the mentality of people who pirate software because they feel that the devs make enough money off of corporations buying their product; so why should you.
If the evil companies give you the moral right to steal software, does it make sense to make your favorite music artist have to pay for you to listen to them? You know that artist have to pay companies back for their exposure, right?
Obviously the people that really control Washington are pretty powerful, I have no doubt that Obama intended to keep all of his promises, it seems the puppet masters are pulling his strings pretty hard. He's still better than crazy old John McCain. Vladimir Putin said that the things happening in the U.S. now are just like what happened in the Soviet Union before it collapsed, it's a little too late to save it now, is anybody dumb enough to think that one day we're going to wake up, reverse the deficit, and start paying all of this debt back? Of course not, we're going to collapse, file bankruptcy, give our debtors the finger and start over.
[citation][nom]justrelaxpeeps[/nom]is anybody dumb enough to think that one day we're going to wake up, reverse the deficit, and start paying all of this debt back? Of course not, we're going to collapse, file bankruptcy, give our debtors the finger and start over.[/citation]

No shit. If the government isn't willing to just suck it up for a couple of decades, raise taxes and slash spending (especially military), they're going to be fucked pretty quickly. The whole idea of spending to raise the GDP/debt ratio is great, until something effects your GDP and then you're fucked. Most other developed countries realized this years ago and have been trying to lower their debt or at least their deficit.
"Who wants social assistance, unemployment insurance, welfare"

I think we can all agree that there's nothing wrong with private unemployment insurance provided by the company that fires you. We also need to have limits on welfare. If you let them, people will live on food stamps and section 8 housing vouchers their whole lives while the tax payers foot the bill. Plus you're in for a rude awakening if you think social security will pay for anything beyond the taxes on whatever your real source of income is after you retire.

As for the Firemen, police, doctors, teachers, etc... those are almost all paid for by local and state governments with the smart ones working in their respective private sectors.

Screw the poor, I didn't go through four years of long nights to get a college education and a well paying job so Joe Bob and Mary Anne could shoot out twenty kids and make moonshine all day.

I think it's early to be commenting on the intelligence of the current American president. We've had all of two months of his blunders so far. I'm sure we'll get the real good material in about three years when it's time for reelection.

I do hate th is goverment and am sick of all this damn krap.Why do I even bother to vote anyways ?
I voted for Obama but the others who ran were even worse so I voted for what I thought was the lesser evil.

Obama is Nobama !!!!
I know someone who downloads movies and video games. And that person knows this is wrong, but she continues to do it anyway. Folks this is unlawful activity, that is a fact. If someone puts something on sale and you obtain it unlawfully, then you put yourself in hot water.

We live in a capitalist society and there are laws to protect the free market.
They're good lawyers. They're exactly who he wants. Do you really think they care about their cases? They just care about winning, and they do a damn good job of it. That's what we need - people who know what the hell they're doing!
I'd rather have them in the DOJ than independent and attacking the rest of us.

Those of you that don't see what Obama is doing, can't see very long term. Typical Republican problem, don't blame yourself's for being born into limited thinking, blame your parents.
[citation][nom]squatchman[/nom]I think we can all agree that there's nothing wrong with private unemployment insurance provided by the company that fires you.[/citation]

Ok, so what if the insurance company goes under, or the company that fires you doesn't purchase this insurance? Too bad I guess.

[citation][nom]squatchman[/nom]Plus you're in for a rude awakening if you think social security will pay for anything beyond the taxes on whatever your real source of income is after you retire.[/citation]

So your argument for this is that the current social security system doesn't pay out enough? I agree with you, the government has been negligent in providing for poor seniors. It is disgraceful to allow the elderly to become impoverished.

[citation][nom]squatchman[/nom]As for the Firemen, police, doctors, teachers, etc... those are almost all paid for by local and state governments[/citation]

So its ok for municipal and state governments to be provide social services, but not the federal government?

[citation][nom]squatchman[/nom]Screw the poor, I didn't go through four years of long nights to get a college education and a well paying job so Joe Bob and Mary Anne could shoot out twenty kids and make moonshine all day.[/citation]

How'd you pay for school? Government sponsored (or subsidized) student loans? Rich family members? Maybe a government subsidized college? Good luck becoming a doctor without any of the above. And because the poor suffered from bad parenting, bad public schooling, no expensive tutoring and no financial support, they shouldn't be able to go to a good college, get a good job and say "screw you" to the poor.

[citation][nom]squatchman[/nom]I think it's early to be commenting on the intelligence of the current American president. We've had all of two months of his blunders so far. I'm sure we'll get the real good material in about three years when it's time for reelection.[/citation]

Funny no ones mentioned Obamas running mate, mister closed internet himself Joe Biden.
It does little wo warn people about an emotional choice, as was done and seen in the Obabma election. The Democrats have been sitting to the left of Hollowood, and seeking their attention. Hollowood=RIAA, so this comes as no surprise. Nancy Pelosi warned the banks prior to the election, and it was considered a joke at the time, and appalling by the republicans, not that theyve had any answers either. To those who voted for Obama, lipstick on a democrat/socialist is still a socialist
Maybe with instant run-off voting we would have at least a chance of voting someone good into office. No more voting lesser of two evils anymore. We also need more than two parties to shake things up and get new ideas out there.
This is why I voted for Nader. Alot of people said that voting for Nader was a wasted vote, that such a vote did not count. Well I ask you, do you feel like your vote was counted, like your voice was heard? Maybe you do if you worked for the RIAA
republicans fearing socialism yet embracing sharing by means of disregard for a company/artist's fiscal income?

mmmm sour grapes, tasty
Keep an open mind. Don't automatically assume that just because a lawyer has fought a case for one side, it means that the lawyer believes in that position.

Sometimes, I enjoy taking the counterpoint position in order to better understand it. I am not saying that they are going to be pro-"net neutrality" but keep an open mind until they state their intentions.
I personally have gone through 3 different colleges by paying for them myself.
I saved up enough money to pay for most of my first degree on my own. Through having a paper route and working other jobs when I was able.

I paid for my second degree by living with my parents while going to school and working.

I paid for my third degree while working and going to school at night.

I'm paying for my 4th degree with what I made while working at the job I had while I was getting my 3rd degree.

It's called work you socialist moron.
Wake up and figure out what it takes to get ahead in this world.
Why should I have to pay for people who don't want to work and want to get given everything. Useless bastard.
You can't be a pure capitalist nor a pure socialist.
It's like the bible, you need to fudge the context of everything in order to make it work.
If you obey the fundamentals of either ethos you'll end up with a bunch of crazies trying to secede or an unbreakable caste system that's ruled the old money.

I had a feeling you might say that. So how easy is it for somebody living on their own in a dumpy apartment (say $600 / month) making $9/hr supposed to save up for a reasonable $5k / year of tuition (plus books)? Not to mention if you aren't able to work while you are in school. The college I went to was 35hr/week of classes, another 15hr in regular assignments, plus we were assigned to a company to work on projects that often took up another 20-30hr/week. Add in time for studying / sleeping / eating and you have no time to work.

I helped my GF through college and even living with me rent free and getting an 8k student loan (at an awesomely low interest rate) I still had to give her thousands of dollars. And her course was only 10 months long.
For all of you with regret for voting for Obama, he did say what he was going to do during the primaries, said something different during the main to sucker in those unhappy with Bush, funny thing he wasn't running. You still think he's out for the common person? Go back and read his background, then look at his very short political career. He hasn't been around long enough to understand how it works. He's never run a company or had to make a payroll. To understand why this is important go read George McGovern who is a very liberal Dem who lost to Nixon in 72, I know after many of you were born. After he lost he went into the commercial world and by his own words he admitted the laws HE wrote became the primary cause for his companies failure because he didn't understand what it takes to run a business. If a politician is lacking real world business experience doesn't make them totally unqualified just an unpredictable loose cannon with a greater chance of serious side affects.

Look this up yourself: since WWII the received revenues to the IRS have remained approximately 19.5% of GDP regardless of who's in power and what the TAX rates are. Taxes are not a simple math problem, when they are high people work harder to avoid them, kind of like when the music industry charges too much for their product people find another way to get it...
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