Obama Appoints 5th RIAA Lawyer into DOJ

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[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]Why do people always think that socialism = communism?[/citation]

One makes it a lot easier to convert to the other. The path of least resistance.
[citation][nom]chicous[/nom]The reason that your experiment with averaged grades failed was because it was done in America. Where everyone looks out only for himself. If this was done in other countries you would have a different outcome. So when people try to prove things they have no idea about, they usually only prove how little they actually know. Education is a wonderful thing, but it actually requires real work.[/citation]

For a country that looks out for itself, we sure give a much higher proportion of our incomes to charities and relief efforts than the rest of the world. There is a difference between self-reliance and "only looking out for yourself".
[citation][nom]researchthis[/nom]One makes it a lot easier to convert to the other. The path of least resistance.[/citation]

I guess years of government brainwashing have left their effect on the populace. They still have this irrational fear of Communism and by extension anything that isn't 100% pure capitalism.
[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]I guess years of government brainwashing have left their effect on the populace. They still have this irrational fear of Communism and by extension anything that isn't 100% pure capitalism.[/citation]

What government brainwashing? It's the government, and apparently half the populace that wants to move TOWARDS socialism. Maybe you feel comfortable being one step closer to communism, but I like having the buffer between the two.

As for "irrational" fear of communism, I don't see how the fear of something which has resulted in the deaths and suffering of millions of human beings can be seen as "irrational". No weapon or person on the history of this planet has caused more destruction than communism. I personally don't think it's irrational at all to avoid it with a ten foot pole, and to critize anything that facilitates its existance.
What about poverty? Has that not resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths? Shouldn't we try to curtail poverty? That's a socialist endeavor right there.

Socialism has nothing to do with the abolition of private property (i.e. Communism), but everything to do with trying to raise the average standard of living for everyone.

Studies have shown that once a person reaches an income level that enables you to feel secure about your basic needs any additional income has almost zero effect on levels of happiness. Things such as having an education, a positive family life, good health, etc have a significantly larger impact than wealth. Shouldn't the goal of every government be to make its citizens happy?
Ohh so creating a massive power to rule over us all is the answer? Giving men unlimited power doesnt corrupt?

Im not confusing Socialism with Communism. What Im doing is stating that increasing the size of governments never worked. They had these same arguements in the Roman senate. But over time people become complacent and think that they are entitled. So they had the whole think over to a savior. Cicero spoke out against the very same things and for his efforts ending up having his severed hands nailed to the senate doors.

People seem confused about the differance between left and right governments. The furtherst left is Full Government control of all things "Totalitarianism" the furthest right being the opposite of full government control is "Anarchy" everything else is a grade in between and all the ones that have been mentioned including Capitalism is on the left end of that spectrum.

Dont be confused by Party retoric, and social or religious left and right issues. They hav nothing to do with government.

[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]What about poverty? Has that not resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths? Shouldn't we try to curtail poverty? That's a socialist endeavor right there.Socialism has nothing to do with the abolition of private property (i.e. Communism), but everything to do with trying to raise the average standard of living for everyone.Studies have shown that once a person reaches an income level that enables you to feel secure about your basic needs any additional income has almost zero effect on levels of happiness. Things such as having an education, a positive family life, good health, etc have a significantly larger impact than wealth. Shouldn't the goal of every government be to make its citizens happy?[/citation]

You curtail poverty by lifting them out of it, not by bringing everyone else down to them. If you throw money at people, you are not changing their way of life or their attitudes, you are just providing them the means to get by longer as they are. And in the process, you are making those who have been successful in life poorer and less motivated to continue suceeding. (Btw - it is these same people who eventually run companies, donate to charities, create jobs, and thus trickle down the wealth to people who decide to EARN it).

[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]Shouldn't the goal of every government be to make its citizens happy?[/citation]

First off, that's an impossible goal, because humans are by nature different from each other. You will never be able to make everyone happy.

Second, no it should not be the role of government to make everyone happy. At least, that was not the goal of our founding fathers, and they would have probably scoffed at such a goal because it leaves so many doors open to interpretation and abuse. The only goal of government in the US was defense and affairs of state. Over time it has become the monstrosity we see today.

The only person who should be in charge of making you happy is yourself. If you assign that responsibility to someone else, then that removes ANY personal accountability for your own actions in life, as you could just blame the govermnent for not having done "their job" at making you happy. Could you imagine what type of populace this would create? It's called an entitlement society, and it is what our country has been turning into, and the reason for its demise.
"Im not confusing Socialism with Communism. What Im doing is stating that increasing the size of governments never worked."

This is wrong. If you look at statistics of the overall happiness of the populace, so called 'socialist' countries like Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Canada, etc are all ranked higher than the US.
[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]"Im not confusing Socialism with Communism. What Im doing is stating that increasing the size of governments never worked."This is wrong. If you look at statistics of the overall happiness of the populace, so called 'socialist' countries like Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Canada, etc are all ranked higher than the US.[/citation]

Aren't you leaving out some important important countries there, like oh I don't know, Venezuela, South Africa, China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam... How do those rank? I could also list the many others that have turned back from socialism....
[citation][nom]researchthis[/nom]Aren't you leaving out some important important countries there, like oh I don't know, Venezuela, South Africa, China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam... How do those rank? I could also list the many others that have turned back from socialism....[/citation]

Once again, you're confusing Socialism with Communism. Socialist-Capitalist countries generally rank as the happiest countries in the world, more "pure" capitalist countries rank below them and then Communist ones below that.
As much as it pleases me to tell all of my buddies that voting for Obama was a huge mistake, I would rather take a beating from them if he was really a President for the people. Just FYI I did not vote for either Obama or McCain. I really think that alot of the hype over this guy has worn off for all but the most staunch supporters and those people will follow him into the firery gates of hell. Just look at how he has changed his views once he got in office, medical canabis, bailouts for the rich, RIAA lawers, and on and on and on. I really want Obama to be the best President we have ever had, as I would if McCain won, but I think that he is really ignoring the people that supported him and up to "Washington Politics" as usual.
[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]Once again, you're confusing Socialism with Communism. Socialist-Capitalist countries generally rank as the happiest countries in the world, more "pure" capitalist countries rank below them and then Communist ones below that.[/citation]

And how many years of data is this being based on? Because long term history has shown the opposite. The Nazis were not communists.

Canada is not a socialist Government, they have socialised parts of their system, but it runs on a capitalist backbone and is largely supported by a massive consumer driven American market.

BTW, Sweden has a far higher suicide rate then the U.S. but i guess that how they express happiness over their.
And why is this a surprise to anyone... Hollywood and the media helped to elect the American Idol president and it's payback time. Plus you have a VP who is one of the most ardent supporters of the RIAA. The concern folks should have is what happens when a spot on the Supreme Court opens up? That will be the true disaster scenario.

I dumbfounded people are surprised and confused as to 'is this the guy we voted for?' He has never served an executive or leadership position, spent minimal time in the Senate, was never vetted by the media and never provided any details on anything (it was always check the website or 'there will be plenty of time to go into details'). Even after election there is no questioning the chosen one and they are spoonfed stories about the new first puppy and folks like the Huffington Post are being given questions at new conferences? This will be a hard lesson people, and hopefully the media learn, I just hope it doesn't cause irrevocable damage (esp the debt part). Joe the plumber exposed the simple truth that while Obama is a gifted Orator, noone really knew him or what he stood for and he is not as gifted an orator when there is no teleprompter in front of him.

Massive inflation is around the corner and while the Obama talking heads talk about needing to run a deficit to stimulate the economy, there is not a single person in the press intelligent enough to ask why Obama's budget runs deficits 4...5...6 years out when presumable the economy has recovered thru all this stimulus. I fear this will be worse than Jimmy Carter. At least the telecoms are being allowed to bid on Cuban business.... I'm sure the money exported to Cuba will be put to good use.

Not all change is good...
[citation][nom]Sicundercover[/nom]And how many years of data is this being based on? Because long term history has shown the opposite. The Nazis were not communists.Canada is not a socialist Government, they have socialised parts of their system, but it runs on a capitalist backbone and is largely supported by a massive consumer driven American market.BTW, Sweden has a far higher suicide rate then the U.S. but i guess that how they express happiness over their.[/citation]

What do Nazis have to do with this? As for Canada, that is exactly my point, you can have a far happier society when some social reforms are put into place (eg free healthcare in Canada). My point is that while Communism is bad, this doesn't make all attempts at social reform wrong.
[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]What do Nazis have to do with this? As for Canada, that is exactly my point, you can have a far happier society when some social reforms are put into place (eg free healthcare in Canada). My point is that while Communism is bad, this doesn't make all attempts at social reform wrong.[/citation]

The word Nazi means something. It's short for Nationalists-Socialists.

Btw, not all of the countries I mentioned earlier are communist countries. Some are just socialist.
You forgot fascism... By the definition of mr. fascism himself (Mussolini): "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
Ring a bell?
So the RIAA has bought their way into the DOJ in broad daylight eh? How dumb do you obama nutsuckers feel? This guy has brought crooked-ass chicago politics to the nationwide level thanks to you.
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