Obama Appoints 5th RIAA Lawyer into DOJ

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[citation][nom]teldar[/nom]gmoneyI personally have gone through 3 different colleges by paying for them myself.I saved up enough money to pay for most of my first degree on my own. Through having a paper route and working other jobs when I was able.I paid for my second degree by living with my parents while going to school and working.I paid for my third degree while working and going to school at night.I'm paying for my 4th degree with what I made while working at the job I had while I was getting my 3rd degree.It's called work you socialist moron.Wake up and figure out what it takes to get ahead in this world.Why should I have to pay for people who don't want to work and want to get given everything. Useless bastard.[/citation]

I applaud your efforts toward education but I must question your maturity. Tom's is a tech website, so I read all political comments with a modicum of apprehension as to the convictions of the writer. However your post stuck out do to your level of schooling so I must respond.
I believe that there are no (or almost none) absolutes in creation, other than the things which can be proven by self consistency in abstract constructs. I'm assuming you think socialism is wrong because you figured out how to get ahead so others should to! Why should you pay for some irresponsible person who is lazy, stupid and wants 15 kids?
If you really believe this absolutist notion then you must be a very selfish megalomaniac who should become a hermit in some island somewhere. Obviously you are perfect and we are not! I would ask you why you even bothered getting all that education? Why not just discover it all on your own? Everything from Archenemies to Newton to... Why take the socialist route and ask for help? In your own words:
"It's called work you socialist moron.
Wake up and figure out what it takes to get ahead in this world."
The fact is that our society, the sum total of human knowledge and achievement is do to socialism. The idea that people help each other so that society will be better off for it and achieve a new level of quality of life for it's citizens? Pure capitalism works in very specific instances which one could write a very long book about. At this point you might be vexed and asking yourself why this person is confusing human interaction with a system of economics? True, you were referring to socialism via economics. The link you have not made is that economic policy is reflective of social policy and if not intended as such it has a habit of becoming so! Survival of the fittest is cannibalistic to a society but works wonders for individuals. Individualism, is not what got humanity to create a computer or the space shuttle. It is only through collaboration that we as a species achieve a superior quality of life for all.
Society could not have evolved without socialist concepts. It is fundamental to our life and I would argue that it is our ability to imagine ourselves in the shoes of another, our social nature, economically and universally, has made our society a world of 7 billion plus humans.....rather than a society of one such as you. A person who would rather horde knowledge,wealth and resources than share it with his or her community. So again I say go become a hermit somewhere discover the secrets of the Universe and take them to your grave.

There is no completely Socialistic or Capitalistic government on this planet. There are no absolutes. There are only mixtures of socialism and laissez-faire type economies. We must strive to find the best balance or at lest one that works for the time being. In an ideal world with ideal individuals it would be pure socialism. That is called communism and that does not work at this stage of human sociological development.
I am an Atheist but also a benevolent human. True the government can do much much more to make sure my money ends up in the right hands but that does not mean they are wrong in helping citizens.
i have a question :

lets start it over when the Federal Reserve was made.

let's assume i am the Federal Reserve (who make money) and you are the government (who loans money fram the Rederal Reserve).

From the start, let's say you (the government) loans $100, so i (the Federal Reseve) will make $100 plus INTEREST.

the question is :
If the money in circulation is only $100, where will you (the government) get the money to pay for the INTEREST if the Federal Reserve is the only one who make money???

Of course : you will loan another amount of money to pay for the INTEREST which will result of creating more DEBT, am i correct?

I believe the GOVERNMENT and LAW MAKERS are already corrupted by the owners of Federal Reserve and other Banking Institutions
because of the MONETARY SYSTEM. Our government is not in control now.
Its the elite people behind the curtain.

So, do you know anything about the plans of the owners of Federal Reserve and other Banking Institutions???

What blows my mind is that he talked this mean game and has yet to follow through on a single!!! Thing he promised in his campaign. It reminds me of the wizard of Oz...
It doesn't matter who is president, the people who really run the Country have there own agenda of total control over every thing.If Obama wasn't in line with these people then he would not be president.

I know people will tell me to put my tin foil hat back on but I don't care it is what I honestly believe.
Country have there own agenda of total control over every thing.If Obama wasn't in line with these people then he would not be president.

I know people will tell me to put my tin foil hat back on but I don't care it is what I honestly believe.
[citation][nom]NuclearShadow[/nom]Can anyone please remind me why I voted for Obama?[/citation]
Well if you're a Democrat you'd vote for any Democrat no matter who they were. In reality though, you were just like many folks that got duped into the "hope" and "change" ploy. People need to understand. The Democratic leadership are politicians. The Republican leadership are politicians. Therefore, neither tells the truth, and neither is out for the common citizen. They are loyal to their political party and selves first, and America last. They also usually come from lawyer backgrounds...need I say more.
Could it possibly be that having to have people in Iraq and Afghanistan like the republicans said we would could be true? And the threat is real, and cant either be ignored, or talked out?
Socialism has worked out problems, created many things thru community, not politics, as it usually requires things from people, and a willing person is different from a rule or law people have to follow.
all i know is, if Obama start fucking shit up. hes gonna get his ass shot. i was fully supportive of him, but i havent heard anything good since he was in office. I dont want to be to vulgar incase the gov. has filters for those kind of words =)
but seriously tho, now its starting to look like this countries turning into communism. fml
when theres depression, and people have nothing to loose, they wouldnt mind killing a goverment official to help the world. hopefully that dosent need to happen. Obama, please prove everyone wrong, and actualy be a good president.
"Do you think for a moment that those prices would now be where they are without P2P networks? If they dissapear, so will the lower prices!"

Don't get me wrong, I think Napster and P2P has forced the issue of cheaper alternatives. I guess no one wants to hear about paying for music (heaven forbid). I'm sure if you were a musician, you might have a different opinion. I spend my own money on recording equipment and time to write and record music. Now because of the digital revolution, I have the chance of posting my music on Amazon and have profits go directly into my bank. We didn't have this ability 4-5 years ago, but now we do and at $.99 a song, I don't think the "download everything for free" model is fair to the artist.

Everybody here is complaining that their "rights" are being violated by this announcement but what about the right of the artists who actually take the time to make music, movies, etc. Again, I think Napster and other networks were important in history to finally kill the major labels but let's start getting back to supporting the musicians.
I worked throughout college. For my last two years I worked full-time and went to school full-time. This was not enough though, had I not been given low interest rate government loans I would not have been able to do it. It's been a year since I graduated, now I have a job in the field I studied making good money and I have already completely paid off some of my loans. This is how I believe the system should work, they afforded me the opportunity to get an education, and now I'm paying them back with interest and being a contributor to the social work force.

I have many friends who have wealthy parents who paid their way so they didn't have to work through school. Some have good work ethic and some don't, in my experience financial background has never made a difference in work ethic. I've seen lazy rich people and lazy poor people and lazy middle class people.

What I'm getting at is I think a statement such as "fuck the poor" is cold and ignorant, since in many cases they are no different then you and me except they unfortunately have not been afforded the same opportunities throughout their life. We are said to be living in "The Land of Opportunity" we should try to keep it that way.
POP QUIZ! Who said the following quote:

"I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."

You're probably thinking some insensitive, mean, rich republican extremist. Guess what? It was Benjamin Franklin. If this doesn't prove how far our country has strayed from its founding, I don't know what does.

This country is screwed and we have the honor of seeing it collapse and then figure out how to live in a collapsed country when every "middle-class" job has been outsourced to another country.
I guess that leaves a servant job to service the elite few who seem to own everything out there. I guess at that point and time silly things like internet caps and pirating media won't seem as important as how are you going to give your children food this week.

It's really time to wake up people. What you see happening around you has been planned for decades...hell...centuries. The ones who rule this world think on a much larger scale than you ever could imagine. The science is there...the books have been written and studied by them. The human mind cannot accept immediate sudden change, red flags would raise and we would fight. If you want to change the human mind it has to be done over a long period of time. It has to be presented as the correct way of life and then it will be accepted without an arguement. This is actual mind control theory that has been written and published and OPENLY USED everyday by your government and corporations.

This goes beyond democrat and republican issues. This is the planned destruction of a once strong country. This is global control of the masses. This is the establishment of a feudal system that you will not be able to abolish.

I am not a conspicracy nut. I seek the truth and can clearly see what is happening in our world. I pray every day that I am wrong and that things will get better. If they do then we can all live a happy life together. I won't be out anything for being wrong...

...What happens if you are wrong for ingnoring this? What if the "tinfoil hat" people are correct? What if all these things that you have been told to ignore are true? What if your government doesn't have your best interest at heart? What happens to you when your lifetime of brainwashing doesn't compute anymore? What happens when you are led through the streets of ruined cities by the military police because we are ruled under martial law?

Stop being closed minded and ask yourself the hard questions that you are afraid to face.
A Lesson In Socialism:

An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class.
The class had insisted that socialism worked & that no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said, “Ok, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism.”

All grades would be averaged & everyone would receive the same grade. So no one would fail & no one would receive an A. After the first test the grades were averaged & everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset
and the students who studied a little were happy.

But as the second test rolled around, the students who studied a little had studied even less & the ones who studied hard decided that since they could not make an A, they studied less. The second test average was a D. No One was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around the average grade was an F.
The scores never increased as the bickering, blame, name calling all resulted in hard feelings & no one would study for anyone else.

All failed to their great surprise and the professor told them that socialism would ultimately fail because the harder people try to succeed the greater their reward, but when a government takes all the reward away no one will try or succeed.
[citation][nom]researchthis[/nom]A Lesson In Socialism:An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class.The class had insisted that socialism worked & that no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said, “Ok, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism.”All grades would be averaged & everyone would receive the same grade. So no one would fail & no one would receive an A. After the first test the grades were averaged & everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upsetand the students who studied a little were happy.But as the second test rolled around, the students who studied a little had studied even less & the ones who studied hard decided that since they could not make an A, they studied less. The second test average was a D. No One was happy.When the 3rd test rolled around the average grade was an F.The scores never increased as the bickering, blame, name calling all resulted in hard feelings & no one would study for anyone else. All failed to their great surprise and the professor told them that socialism would ultimately fail because the harder people try to succeed the greater their reward, but when a government takes all the reward away no one will try or succeed.[/citation]

I think you and your professor are not correct in your analysis of the situation.
1)I don't think that the experiment your teacher conducted is analogous to life, the real world, which has many more variables. Also different people at different times of different backgrounds tend to respond differently in such situations.
2) Keeping the above comment in mind let's examine the outcome. This experiment does have the merit of proving that without incentive people don't work harder. However socialism failed in your experiment as it does in the real world because of people. Consider that if those students had all studied and had tried to do their best not for the grade (analogous to money) but because they knew it was the right thing to do. Likewise, in the real world pure socialism(communism) and pure laissez-faire fails because of people. People are the problem not socialism. To make an analogy guns don't kill people people kill people.

This is why every government is a mixture of socialism and capitalism.

In a somewhat cruel twist of fate neither extreme Socialism nor Capitalism are wrong. I say this because they are fundamental abstract notions. To some degree economics bends to please us and we must be pliable to please it. Given the choice, because we are benevolent beings, as it applies to to humanity I think we are intrinsically inline with socialism.
The reason that your experiment with averaged grades failed was because it was done in America. Where everyone looks out only for himself. If this was done in other countries you would have a different outcome. So when people try to prove things they have no idea about, they usually only prove how little they actually know. Education is a wonderful thing, but it actually requires real work.
Can anyone say Orwell?

Hmm I tend to remember a few other countries that put a man into power because he preached "Change" and had a large "Youth" appeal. Anyone ever heard of the Khmer Rouge? What about the Weimar Republic? And why are we walking in the exact same steps as those people?

People MORE Government is not the solution to the problem, Government IS the problem.

Can anyone say Orwell?

Hmm I tend to remember a few other countries that put a man into power because he preached "Change" and had a large "Youth" appeal. Anyone ever heard of the Khmer Rouge? What about the Weimar Republic? And why are we walking in the exact same steps as those people?

People MORE Government is not the solution to the problem, Government IS the problem.
I guess no one wants to discuss WHY there is a 5th lawyer appointed to the DOJ. File sharing??? Illegal downloading??? Whether it is your right to share for free something that someone worked on.
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