OEM HDD to SSD transfer

Sep 6, 2018
So I recently bought a dell laptop with a 5400rpm 1TB hdd. I have a 240gb ssd to replace it with, but I have a oem license on that laptop. And I really want to change it to a ssd. I’m new to computers, so could someone tell me in detail, how to do the entire cloning process, and anything I should look out for when doing the conversion?

Also is this even possible? If it’s possible is it legal?

Oh my, this is bad. Really bad.
At this point, you just need to do a clean install on the new drive.

You can't just change the drive letter of the OS like that. I don't know where you read that was a good idea, but it was not.

I was gong to suggest a series of steps to migrate your existing drive to the new SSD, but not now.

So...from some other working system, using your 32GB USB stick, make a Win 10 install.
NOTE: This will wipe out everything currently on that 32GB stick. Plan for this....



Yes it is legal.
Yes, it is pretty easy.

What type of SSD is this?
Does the laptop have the capability of installing both drives at the same time? If not, do you have an external drive?
How much space is currently consumed on the original HDD?



"32GB USB"

How much free space is on the external HDD you have? What I'm proposing will NOT delete anything from it.
(we'll be using that 32GB usb stick for something else)
Sep 6, 2018
Also quick question, I accidentally changed my drives around so c became d and d became c and now my pc(not laptop-this is different) won’t boot up, what do I do? I still have windows on the drive.



Oh my, this is bad. Really bad.
At this point, you just need to do a clean install on the new drive.

You can't just change the drive letter of the OS like that. I don't know where you read that was a good idea, but it was not.

I was gong to suggest a series of steps to migrate your existing drive to the new SSD, but not now.

So...from some other working system, using your 32GB USB stick, make a Win 10 install.
NOTE: This will wipe out everything currently on that 32GB stick. Plan for this.

Once you have that, you're going to do a full install on the new SSD.

Read through this a couple of times so that you are familiar with what is going to happen:
How to do a CLEAN installation of Windows 10

Take the old 1TB drive out, install the SSD
Power on, booting from the Win 10 USB you created earlier
When it asks for the license key, Skip and proceed on.
Be sure you select the exact Win 10 version that was already installed. WIn 10 Home, Pro, whatever it wsa.

It should install just fine.
You'll later have to go to the manufacturers website and find any specific drivers for the laptop. Touchpad, maybe.
Sep 6, 2018
So wait windows 10 iso? And so I just take that and plug it into the laptop after installing the ssd, and boot from the usb? And then follow the instructions to install windows on the ssd? Does it matter since mine is oem?



Not just the bare ISO....follow the instructions to create an actual bootable USB stick.
After that...no, it does not matter that your license is OEM.

When it asks for the license key, Skip that section and proceed on.
Sep 6, 2018
Sorry but one last question

Could I just wipe my ssd, plug it in, and run the windows bootable iso disk? Then skip when it says product key.

Also this ssd is out of a old pc, and it was a d drive in that, but dosent boot have to be C?



It will become the "C" drive when you install the OS on it and the system boots from it.
The previous drive letter is irrelevant.

Create the bootable USB as outlined above
Boot from that
Delete ALL partitions on the drive and continue the install.