Office 2007 and the dollar sign $$

Shadow Wizard

Nov 26, 2009
I just reinstalled windows, and office. Now, in office, and ONLY office documents the $ is replaced with an unusual character I have never seen before. In an attempt to describe it it is a less then sign, with two lines horizontal at the top. If I copy, and paste this character into notepad, at appears as a dollar sign. Again, if I create a file in notepad, and copy and paste these $$$, they appear as this unusual character.
How do I get my dollar sign back?

Additional note:
When I load an office document previously made that includes working dollar signs (well, that appeared as such on other computers) it converts them to this symbol.

Shadow Wizard

Nov 26, 2009
Well, I fixed it. After you said that I googled "dollar sign shows as rupees symbol in word" and got a suggestion it was a font issue. IN the fonts directory there was a file called _indianrupee.ttf. I deleted it, and all is well. Your answer didn't solve the problem, but it lead me to the solution.