Office asks for cd for each user!! PLEASE HELP!!

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May 4, 2001
i have to setup 50 new computers with office 2k. i installed the os. then office. i hooked one up to the network and logged on and when i launch any of the office suite apps, i get this error: error 1706: no valid source could be found for product microsoft office 2000 sr-1 premium. the windows installer could not continue. if i hit cancel 3 times, everything is fine. Also, if I put everyone in the local admin group its fine, but that doesn’t sound like a good idea to me. this will be a tremendous pain since there are 800 users on the network. please help.
....the crows seemed to be calling him, thought caw....<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by tdean on 08/06/03 09:55 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
you checked the kb? if your doing that many computers you should look into some kind of cloning software. cs game server -
yeah, im gonna use disk image, but i have to get one working first. any ideas about this? i just reinstalled office and now when i go to the other local acct and try to launch word, i get the three errors, then the program quits responding.

i got this, but it didnt work... for some reason i have no userid key.;en-us;312596

....the crows seemed to be calling him, thought caw....<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by tdean on 08/07/03 00:57 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
need to know more about how you installed office. was it from a network share? from a cd? full installation? cs game server -
someone over at the ms newsgroup site suggested this: You should create a central Administrative Install Point for Office 2k
and then install on every machine using this.

wouldnt that be a pain? i just want to set up one and clone it...

....the crows seemed to be calling him, thought caw....
that is what you should do but its not neccisary, im not sure why you are getting that error message. just search the kb for that error number, i got a ton of relevant articles. cs game server -
hmmm... thats odd. when i cut and paste the exact error message in the kb search i get nothing. when i search just the error 1706, i get a bunch but they are all related to install files being on a network share.

i think its odd that it works perfectly when i put the users in the local admin acct, but when they are in the pwr users group i get the error, and the program quits responding.

....the crows seemed to be calling him, thought caw....
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