Old 8mm Camcorder Issue

Aug 24, 2018
I own a old RCA camcorder which only has a yellow and white port. When I plug in the yellow and white jacks into the camcorder and tv I get a black and white playback. Does anyone know whats wrong? I have 8mm tapes that were recorded in color. Thanks.

I actually have no clue. The camcorder itself has no specific name on it. However, I do know it is a 1993 camcorder if that helps.

Where are you plugging them into the TV?
You might have to tell the TV that the port you're using for the yellow needs to accept a composite input.
The white is the audio. Generally, would go into the Left audio input on the TV.
The camcorder has two ports, one yellow for the video and the other is white for audio. I plug them into the back of the tv, like any other dvd or game console. However the playback is black and white while if I am recording while hooked up to the TV, it shows in color.

The serial number is 316240301 and is located on the bottom of the camcorder. .