Solved! Older Toshiba wont run ROKU?

Mar 20, 2018
I have an older Toshiba 32" TV without HDMI in my workshop. I tried hooking up my ROKU stick with a HDMI to Composite (red, yellow, white) adapter. The menu appears fine but when you try to actually view a show , you only see a small portion on the screen. Its like the picture is way to large for the screen and you only see a portion of the top left corner. I cant find any setting that will correct this. Anyone have any ideas?
An active converter is powered by either an external power supply or over the HDMI 5v. There are passive cables that can't work since HDMI is digital and AV is analog. You need electronics to do the conversion to analog.
Not sure what you mean by "active converter". Its a little adapter that i plug the ROKU stick into its HDMI input and it comes out as the 3 (red, white, yellow) composite cables.
On the ROKU i chose auto and it picks 480. Only way I could see to do it.
Hmmm!? There is no power direct to the adapter. There is power to the ROKU stick however. Could the adapter be getting power from the HDMI connection off the ROKU stick? Would it work at all if it were not? I do get the menu fine ,but when trying to watch an actual show I get audio and what I thought was just the corner of the picture. Upon closer examination,I might be getting no video at all and just a corner of the menu then.