Only left speaker hissing


Apr 23, 2015
I have microlab solo 6c and left speaker is passive and right is active, that means that right one has an amplifier and left is recieving power from the right one. Right one is hissing when volume is 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58 (60 limit), but sometimes in between.Today I turned off some electric devices like heating etc and noise is halfened, but the problem is still there even with all the devices and stuff turned off. Even with audio input cables and left speaker pluged out. Only connected to power, it hisses. What is the problem?
Here is a video of volume being on 27 then 28 couple of times, then 29, 30 and 31 in the end, when the hissing goes off.
I opened it up and no condensators are blown or bulging. Everything seemed ok. Bought new a week ago.
If you don't notice the same noise on the other speaker I would say that one channel of the amp in the main speaker is bad.
If there were a ground loop issue it would affect both speakers and would sound like a buzz or hum rather than hiss. Contact the seller and get them to replace them.
If you don't notice the same noise on the other speaker I would say that one channel of the amp in the main speaker is bad.
If there were a ground loop issue it would affect both speakers and would sound like a buzz or hum rather than hiss. Contact the seller and get them to replace them.