Only want to use the mic of a 2 jack headphone on a 1 jack laptop.


Sep 12, 2015
Hey, I've run into a problem. I want to use the mic on some headphones I have, but my laptop only has one jack, when I plug in the mic all audio stops and it continues to use the built it mic. I've tried switching the mic, but it doesn't show up. And I've already tried showing hidden devices. Also, when I plug it in, audio playback from built in speakers stops. I don't want to have to buy a splitter just to use a microphone.
You need one of these:
I had the same problem and they work fine.

I know you mentioned that you don't want to get a spliter but this is the only thing that will work. This is because the jack on the laptop has different connection points than a standard single use plug. Take a look at the connection points on your headphone jack then look at the connection points in the pic of the link I provided. The little black rings are insulation and separate the connection points. That is how they work and will not work correctly without the proper connection points.
Is the jack on your laptop a mic jack? If not then you won't be able to use it for a mic.

Most lappy's only have a headphone jack so I'm guessing that the laptop is reading the fact tat "something" is plugged into the headphone jack and sending the audio there.
My bad first time I've heard about that (not the best with the lappy's 😉 )

I found this by google'ing though:

I'm not sure why you aren't getting the mic to work as the wires inside the headset should be going direct to the headphones or the mic.

Are you positive you are plugging in the mic 3.5mm jack from the headset and not the headphone 3.5mm?
You're welcome. If you don't get another response (from someone else) in the next day or so then try re-posting your question (so that it gets noticed again 😉 )
You need one of these:
I had the same problem and they work fine.

I know you mentioned that you don't want to get a spliter but this is the only thing that will work. This is because the jack on the laptop has different connection points than a standard single use plug. Take a look at the connection points on your headphone jack then look at the connection points in the pic of the link I provided. The little black rings are insulation and separate the connection points. That is how they work and will not work correctly without the proper connection points.