Ontrack Recovery


Mar 24, 2012
I am trying to recover files from an accidental format of a 1 terabyte Windows 7 drive. I used a Linux based product called PartedMagic to format. The drive is attached currently attached to a Windows XP pro box via via SATA to USB dongle adapter. I have started the Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro (v 6.10) program 3 times, (because its taking so long) using the Format Recovery module. Each time it says it's recovered files but when it reaches the stage where it builds a tree with check boxes to select the files you wish to recover, it hangs (at the bottom of the window it says Building Tree...) I aborted twice thinking maybe I did something wrong but each time the behavior is the same. This time it's been running for 2 days. The hard drive activity light flashes occasionally of course there is no way to tell which drive its flashing for.
Any thoughts?

Check with the vendor of the program about how long this may take to do. It may also just get nothing back. Especially if you did something other than just a simple format. If you did a "wipe" for example with data over-write, the chances of it finding even a few files is very very small.
I've recovered all my data with a freebie called testdisk. But i want to recover the drive and make it bootable again. I dont know why OnTrack failed me this time...i've used it many times on
winxp boxes with no trouble so i'm thinking maybe its windows 7. I ran it 3 times, and one time i let run for almost 2 days before looking elsewhere.