Optical cable or 3.5mm Jack? PLEASE HELP


Feb 23, 2016
Willl an optical cable make a difference if i use it to plug my pc speakers to my tv instead of a 3.5mm jack?
Speakers: S730 EDIFIER

And also not a real audiophile just more of a good movie experience kinda guy.
If you have the choice, go with optical, but don't spend $20 for an optical cable, a $5 will do. If you don't have an optical cable on hand, don't worry about it.
I assume that's a 3.5mm headphone jack.

Anyway, the OPTICAL cable is probably best. Otherwise the TV is->

1) Converting digital to analog
2) sending analog to subwoofer which amplifies it again

Sending the optical signal directly bypasses the TV DAC stage which may work better.

*You'd really have to try it, because the TV may have a better quality DAC or mix the audio in a way more optimized for your experience. I'd experiment with a movie that has excellent BASS in particular. Dinosaur growling, thumping or explosions etc.

Make sure that optical cable is an OUTPUT from the TV, and not an INPUT.
I see no issues with OPTICAL.

So I'd get that cable, use it for a while to get used to it, then try analog as discussed above.

There is simply no way to be certain either way without trying, though there is a good chance you won't be able to tell the difference.

If possible, please let us know how much of a difference the speakers make compared to the built-in speakers.

The BASS is probably going to make a huge difference.

I'm really fed up with how difficult it is to get great audio in an HDTV. Sony came out with awesome HDTV's for audio a few years ago and I guess people didn't buy them since they fizzled out.

TBH i noticed minimal differences maybe i didnt crack up the volume high or anything to notice the difference but i did notice that i CANT CONTROL MY SPEAKERS using the tv remote and i need a separate remote which is currently BROKE FML 🙁

There is probably a way to control the volume with the HDTV remote.

THIS is from your own manual:
"When using the audio cable connection
After making a connection, press the HOME button, then select [Settings] — [Sound] — [Headphone/Audio out] — [Audio out (Fixed)].
Turn on the connected audio system, then adjust the volume.
When using an external audio system, the audio out of the TV can be operated using the TV’s remote control if [Headphone/Audio out] is set to [Audio out (Variable)]. Press the HOME button, then select [Settings] — [Sound] — [Headphone/Audio out] — [Audio out (Variable)].
When connecting a subwoofer, press the HOME button, then select [Settings] — [Sound] — [Headphone/Audio out] — [Subwoofer]."

If I read this correctly, you may need to change from "FIXED" to "VARIABLE".

I think "fixed" is for people who use an alternative remote (like home theater) to handle volume. If that works, also choose an appropriate volume using the physical speaker knob. You may need it close to 100% to be loud enough, but it depends how strong the input is.

Thanks bro for the input i will go check it out 2nite hope it will work haha