Options at end of contract?



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

My contract ends in two months. They've already told me that I can
upgrade under New Every Two starting today. But then I have to sign
another 2 year contract.

* If I don't want another 2-year contract, do I go month to month?
That is what T-Mobile has done with my wife. We can basically cancel
at anytime because she is no longer under contract. Does Verizon do
the same thing?

* If I decide to go to another carrier, do I have to do anything with
Verizon to cancel my service?
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

I've been off contract for four years. It's easy, don't get new every two.

"Gus Mahler" <gusmahler@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> My contract ends in two months. They've already told me that I can
> upgrade under New Every Two starting today. But then I have to sign
> another 2 year contract.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

On 24 May 2004 14:43:31 -0700, Gus Mahler wrote:

> My contract ends in two months. They've already told me that I can
> upgrade under New Every Two starting today. But then I have to sign
> another 2 year contract.
> * If I don't want another 2-year contract, do I go month to month?
> That is what T-Mobile has done with my wife. We can basically cancel
> at anytime because she is no longer under contract. Does Verizon do
> the same thing?

You will go month to month if you do nothing.
> * If I decide to go to another carrier, do I have to do anything with
> Verizon to cancel my service?

If you are on the month to month billing just let them know you want to
cancel the service. No termination fee will apply.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

If you don't upgrade your phone and leave everything as is I believe you can
just go month to month when your contract expires. If you go to another
carrier after your contract expires I think the new carrier does all the
paperwork - but after your number is with the new company I'd call VZ
wireless to make sure they cancelled you just in case.

"Gus Mahler" <gusmahler@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> My contract ends in two months. They've already told me that I can
> upgrade under New Every Two starting today. But then I have to sign
> another 2 year contract.
> * If I don't want another 2-year contract, do I go month to month?
> That is what T-Mobile has done with my wife. We can basically cancel
> at anytime because she is no longer under contract. Does Verizon do
> the same thing?
> * If I decide to go to another carrier, do I have to do anything with
> Verizon to cancel my service?
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"Alesandra" <rubyebbyrdNOSPAM@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<2hfr1bFcc7m9U2@uni-berlin.de>...
> I've been off contract for four years. It's easy, don't get new every two.
> "Gus Mahler" <gusmahler@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:f6b082a1.0405241343.443fa3@posting.google.com...
> > My contract ends in two months. They've already told me that I can
> > upgrade under New Every Two starting today. But then I have to sign
> > another 2 year contract.

What are the benefits of being month-to-month? AFAIK, the principal
benefit is that you don't have to pay $175 to terminate your contract.
However, I want a new phone. If I get my own phone off of eBay, I'll
be paying between $125 and $150 for a VX4400. Newer phones are more
expensive. But if I go NET, I get a "free" phone.

In the end, if I don't cancel, I saved the cost of a new phone. If I
do cancel, I come out even.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

On 28 May 2004 14:41:31 -0700, gusmahler@hotmail.com (Gus Mahler) wrote:
>What are the benefits of being month-to-month? AFAIK, the principal
>benefit is that you don't have to pay $175 to terminate your contract.
>However, I want a new phone. If I get my own phone off of eBay, I'll
>be paying between $125 and $150 for a VX4400. Newer phones are more
>expensive. But if I go NET, I get a "free" phone.

As I pointed out in another thread, the new America's Choice plans do not
include long distance from the US to Canada. If your current plan
includes long distance to Canada, you'll lose that when you get a 'new
every two' phone.

My contract ends in July, but I'm not getting a new phone, just so I can
keep the calling to Canada. :-(
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

>My contract ends in July, but I'm not getting a new phone, just so I can
>keep the calling to Canada. :-(

People live in Canada? :)

Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"Elector" <elector@my-deja.com> wrote in message news:<wb_uc.9511$hB2.9232@nwrdny03.gnilink.net>...

> That is true about not having to pay an ETF. However if the service degrades
> in your area and you want to get a better service from another company your
> phone may not work on that service so you will have a ETF of $175 per line,
> you will have to jump to another carrier and pay for their service and
> possibly more for more cell phones even at reduced prices say $75, you can
> port your cellular number so no problems there and the new carrier may
> require a 1-2 year commitment so you get locked in that way.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Sprint is the only CDMA competitor. With
any other carrier, I'll have to get a new phone anyway because they
are GSM. I don't even know if Verizon phones work on Sprint since they
use a different frequency.

Also, how will a service "degrade"? Most reports say that where I live
(SF Bay Area), Verizon's coverage is superior to the main competitors
(Sprint and the GSM companies). Unless an earthquake knocks down
Verizon's towers (sparing GSM towers), how will Verizon's coverage
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

> Also, how will a service "degrade"? Most reports say that where I live
> (SF Bay Area), Verizon's coverage is superior to the main competitors
> (Sprint and the GSM companies). Unless an earthquake knocks down
> Verizon's towers (sparing GSM towers), how will Verizon's coverage
> deteriorate?

By overselling the network, more users then the system can handle
means reduced coverage. Especially with CDMA where the cell size
shrinks with the number of users.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

On 2 Jun 2004 15:26:59 -0700, gusmahler@hotmail.com (Gus Mahler) chose to
add this to the great equation of life, the universe, and everything:

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but Sprint is the only CDMA competitor. With
>any other carrier, I'll have to get a new phone anyway because they
>are GSM. I don't even know if Verizon phones work on Sprint since they
>use a different frequency.

US Cellular and Altell are also CDMA, if they exist in your area.

Also, the problem you will have using a VZW phone on Sprint has nothing to
do with frequency -- it is possible and quite common for Sprint and VZW
users to roam on each others' systems.

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Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

David S <dwstreeter@spamisnaughty.att.net> wrote:

>>Correct me if I'm wrong, but Sprint is the only CDMA competitor. With
>>any other carrier, I'll have to get a new phone anyway because they
>>are GSM. I don't even know if Verizon phones work on Sprint since they
>>use a different frequency.
> US Cellular and Altell are also CDMA, if they exist in your area.
> Also, the problem you will have using a VZW phone on Sprint has nothing to
> do with frequency -- it is possible and quite common for Sprint and VZW
> users to roam on each others' systems.

The problems you will have using a VZW phone on Sprint are more directly
related to the fact that Sprint will not activate a non-Sprint phone on
their network. :) Not true of Alltel; not sure about USCC.

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