[citation][nom]Anomalyx[/nom]Everyone hates on Java, but doesn't consider what would happen without it. Without it, your Android apps would likely have to be tweaked for each model of phone by the developer. No dev wants to do that, so you're severely limited in your app choices. Java allows each phone to run apps under the same environment, except when accessing operating-system features obviously.Don't get me wrong, I dislike Oracle and the way they operate just as much as anyone else. Java has its place... I just wish it wasn't being run into the ground by one of the greediest companies out there.[/citation]
Thats not completely true. Google would just have to abstract the hardware and driver level of android with an api, which they already do (Look up NDK). Every proprietary OS has its own "VM" like programming language to speed up development (objective c for osx/ios, c#/.net for windows) but the difference is they specifically cater to their respective kernels. Java is built for everything. While yes it has its uses and place (specifically education, web, etc) javas inefficient nature isn't suited for embedded platforms (mobile, tablet, etc) and the only reason it was used is because companies didn't have the resources themselves to make languages like c# or objective c