Over Heating Problem in HP Pavilion dv6 1211AX Notebook


Oct 31, 2009
Okay now i bought the DV6 1211AX, the so called Entertainment Notebook PC with the folowing configs:


Processor: AMD Turion X2 RM-7

Graphics: ATI Mobility Raedon HD 4650 Series (1 GB)

OS: Vista SP1

Now just have a look at the temperatures generally seen on this when:

1.Only Mozilla running:

2. When playing Chronicles Of Riddick 2

The lappy is propped up on a book so that the vents have enough space to discharge. And yes one more thing. I called up the CC and told of the problem I'm facing. Firstly tells me that third party softwares are not relieble, to which my answer was simply this " But my sense of touch is." He laughed nervously and hurriedly said "Sir, your Laptop is still under warranty and so if any performance problems feel free to contact us. Good day." and slammed the phone. Outrageous!

Any solutions? And please dont say laptops are not for gaming, they didn't give me 1GB graphics card to play Minesweeper :smileyvery-happy:. Appreciate your help.

P.S.: One more thing. I created partitions using the Computer Managment in Windows (Shrink This Volume), the instance i got it. So naturally i didn't make the Restore Discs before. And know when i try to do this, i get an error message saying Recovery Partition not found, even when the Recovery Partition D: is sitting there smugly on My Computer. I know a little about Partition Table and stuff, so i'm guessing that the Disc Creator program and the System Recovery option on BIOS ( which also does not work) have been set to work with hdd1/par1 and so as i shrunk the C: drive and created partitions out of it, then the Recovery Partition slipped down to place 4. So is there any way to fix this so i can make my recovery discs?


Your pictures are way too small - I can't read anything off of them.

Have you tried removing the dust from your heatsinks, fans, and vents?

As for the partitioning problem: Moving around partition sizes is risky business, I've only had it work a few times myself. I doubt you can get your recovery working again. I don't know why you asked, though - it doesn't have a whole lot to do with overheatng.



Oct 31, 2009


the images should work now..

i just asked abt the partition thing cos i didn't wish to spam by making another thread...

My machine is only a month old. So i don't see how dust could have build up, as i have only used it at home till now...


Dust can still have a big impact in a short amount of time. Clean the sinks out anyway with some compressed air - it doesn't hurt anything to do so, and it's free.

You're correct, though - your temps are pretty darn high. Are you sure your fan is working correctly? You should search HP's site for a BIOS update; perhaps they increased the fan speed in a newer revision.


Oct 31, 2009
hmmm I did a bios update but to no avail. By cleaning out you mean i should blow air from outside of the case or should i open the laptop up and then clean it?


Oct 31, 2009
Well still have the warranty. So I tried blowing the air from the outside and did so for about 5 mins, but still my tempreatures are hovering around 83 degrees. I guess that this is one problem that makes this otherwise good notebook go bam! Any other ideas? Is there a program that controls the fan speed and one more thing, are those cooling pads any good?


May 25, 2010
i have an HP laptop too. the dv6-1108ca. i have the EXACT same problem as you. this this overheats and shuts down about 3 times a day! i always have to prop it up on a book too to get air under it to cool it down a bit. im so lost and dont knwo what to do,


Oct 24, 2010
I've been following this thread from last 6 months or so.
I also have the same laptop, also have the same problem, have tried every possible solution, but still nothing improved.

@ SiNg0d
Please update us if anything improved at you side.


Jun 19, 2011
Hey, i have a HP Pavilion DV6000 and i had the same problem, heres a few things what to do...

1) See your battery meter at the bottom right of your screen, right click it and view 'power options', Now, select the HP reccomended settings (Or if you REALLY want to strain your PC select high performance) then click change plan settings, Then click advanced power settings. This is where all the good stuff happens to make your power plan do its deeds, scroll down to 'Processor power management' and click the + button, now you want to lower your minimum and maximum processor state by 5 or 10 percent, you shouldn't feel much difference but it cools your laptop down quite a bit ( or it did in my case )

2) Dim your screen a little in power options, turn it down to 3/4 of its maximum brightness, its not an instant cool down but it will eventuly knock a degree or two off

3) ok, this one is a little extreme and i reccomend buying a pressurised can of air instead but if your on a really low budget... Grab a hoover and hoover out any dust from the vent where your fan is located, BE VERY CAREFUL!! highly unreccomended by Hp and most other companys but when i do it every few months i get a good lump of dust flying out of the vent, this cools down my laptop LOADS, by loads i mean from 87 degrees playing minecraft to about 50, but be very careful, im not taking responsibility for you sucking every microchip out of your laptop :p

4) Kill any unessecary background programs. Your internet security antivirus running when your not connected to the internet? your printer spooler running when you dont even own a printer?? Alt+Ctrl+del, this brings up task manager, you want to kill some services and processes but BE WARNED, dont blindly kill everything you see! this will most likely crash your computer :D

5) go to your local electronics store, see if they have any really cheap laptop stands that have good air circulation, if you cant afford any or dont want to spend much money i reccomend buying a few erasers (or rubbers depending if your british or not :p) and stacking them under the corners of your PC

If non of these fix your laptop overheating problem contact me, il be sure to try and help with a few more methods, its just my fingers are hurting from typing :p HAYO!


Apr 28, 2010
this is the last time i buy a laptop from HP , i hate it so much , always over heate they are knowen for this for long time , this is my 3rd HP and still the didnt fix the heat problem

im going to with new Asus , they got better cooling system , waiting for G74


Aug 4, 2011
Hi All,

I would like to tell as solution to heating problem of HP DV6 1211 AX of mine.....

Solution :: 1. create a new Power Options profile or modify the Power Saver profile where the MAX Processor State is 80% (This Option is found in the Advanced options) ....actually processor ability is reduced to half.
2. The graphics card option should be made to "Maximum Battery Life" (Don't remember the Option name as I am far from my laptop)

Benefit :: Now Temperature is around 77-82 degrees Celsius Only instead of 90-95 C

Issues :: Huge Processing Penalty (on a already no-so-good processor) as the processor runs on 11 Watts instead of 30 Watts

Scenarios :: Played Crysis-2 on this conditions. (A heavy duty graphics game)
Observation :: Graphics & Player were handled quite well during the game. But gave real bad performance issue during the incoming transmission sections where the graphics were not much used.

Conclusion :: 1. Any game which is using more graphics & less processor will run very well.
2. More Processor centric games will suck !!

LOOKING For A Processor Upgrade .......... Any Help??? ........as it is the only bottleneck


Aug 4, 2011
For all other stuff, that is other than gaming, I would recommend the NORMAL profile.... The temperature is hot but Kinda OK @ below 80 C MAX

Make sure to close off background programs to boost performance...
.........Or better still use tune-up-utilities's TURBO Mode (An Off-On feature that toggles themes & similar stuff)


Dec 12, 2011
I hear a straneg clicking sound coming from my DV6000 from the bottom left area. What could that be?My laptop also gets hot quite easily, no thanks to that stupid dickhead who made a laptop cover which is metal. :( Any tips? Could I ask you over an IM like msn or skype? navinkumarpk is my skype :) Please help, you've got the same laptop so I thought you might be the best person to ask :)


diddy g

Apr 20, 2013

Great thanks for your time posting this, its really appreciated, keep up the good work