Panasonic G85 - 12-60mm vs 14-42mm


Feb 23, 2015
Hey guys. I've a quick question. Where I'm at, I've 2 options available for the G85. One's with the 12-60mm lens priced at USD$1251 where as the other one is with the 14-42mm priced at USD$1015. I do however, require a wide angle lens and the ability to zoom in to get a nice blurred out bokeh videos.

What do you guys think? Is the upgrade from 14-42 to 12-60 worth the extra money?
Assuming speed and distortion are comparable, the 12-60 definitely has more range.
Not sure the sensor size, but assuming ~24x16? even 60mm is not much of a zoom.
For their smaller cameras Nikon has an 18-200 (and then an 18-300 which I never bothered with) with vibration reduction which I always used as a lighter all purpose travel lens. I never really wanted for more on either end.
With equivalent focal lengths of 24-120mm and 28-84mm respectively, you aren't missing out on wide-angle.

I've no experience with either lens, but I'd hazard a guess and say that the 14-42mm lens will be optically superior.

Is that $250 difference worth it to you?
Without further info on each lens, we out here can't make a comparison. f/stop, other features...

Maybe rent one of each and try them for a couple of days. $1000+ is not a trivial sum to gamble on getting the wrong lens for your use.