Hello all,
So, I purchased a Samsung UN55JS9000; it's a 4k SUHD TV at 120Hz refresh. However, after my purchase, I learned that the TV does not run at 120Hz when connected by PC. I've tried both the DVI and the HDMI connections but I cannot achieve 120Hz refresh rate, stuck at 60 at the highest. I have read that this is the simply the way it is due to the cords or something like that, but there is a utility, CRU (Custom Resolution Utility), which can be used that will allow the TV to use its 120Hz refresh rate when connected to a PC. I have tried this over and over again to no avail. I have a GTX 980 and I've even tried to set the custom resolution settings, and I can enter the custom resolution for 120Hz at the 1080 setting (not 4K), but it always kicks it out and resorts back to 60Hz. Has anyone gotten this TV to work with either custom resolution settings or CRU? I'm not sure if I need to do something differently or if I should just settle for 60Hz while gaming and watching films at 1080. There has been quite a bit of chatter about this issue on forums but nothing has really helped me directly, possibly due to my specific model. In ideas on how to achieve 120Hz at 1080p with this Samsung television? Thank you.
So, I purchased a Samsung UN55JS9000; it's a 4k SUHD TV at 120Hz refresh. However, after my purchase, I learned that the TV does not run at 120Hz when connected by PC. I've tried both the DVI and the HDMI connections but I cannot achieve 120Hz refresh rate, stuck at 60 at the highest. I have read that this is the simply the way it is due to the cords or something like that, but there is a utility, CRU (Custom Resolution Utility), which can be used that will allow the TV to use its 120Hz refresh rate when connected to a PC. I have tried this over and over again to no avail. I have a GTX 980 and I've even tried to set the custom resolution settings, and I can enter the custom resolution for 120Hz at the 1080 setting (not 4K), but it always kicks it out and resorts back to 60Hz. Has anyone gotten this TV to work with either custom resolution settings or CRU? I'm not sure if I need to do something differently or if I should just settle for 60Hz while gaming and watching films at 1080. There has been quite a bit of chatter about this issue on forums but nothing has really helped me directly, possibly due to my specific model. In ideas on how to achieve 120Hz at 1080p with this Samsung television? Thank you.