Hi people!
I need to set up an HTML web form to generate a .pdf using submitted text and a .jpg image. Most of the .pdf content will be standard and already there, so the user is just adding an image and some text.
My first thoughts were wkhtml2pdf and maybe Imagemagick if the submitted image won't be correctly sized in advance (I'm not sure if it will). I'm not sure I'll have root access to their hosting though to install those and was wondering if there's a nicer way of doing this now? Thanks in advance 🙂
I need to set up an HTML web form to generate a .pdf using submitted text and a .jpg image. Most of the .pdf content will be standard and already there, so the user is just adding an image and some text.
My first thoughts were wkhtml2pdf and maybe Imagemagick if the submitted image won't be correctly sized in advance (I'm not sure if it will). I'm not sure I'll have root access to their hosting though to install those and was wondering if there's a nicer way of doing this now? Thanks in advance 🙂