Performance loss after a few hours - Restarting solves


Jan 30, 2018
Hello, I’ve recently bought an Alienware R4 notebook with a GTX 1070 and 120hz QHD screen. Im absolutely happy with the performance but I have an issue. When I turn on my computer, everything is fine. Usually the first hour of my gameplay is smooth and lagless. After a while, I start to notice input lag and permanent fps drops. For exemple, my first game in Overwatch is usually around 250 fps if I just have turned on the PC. Every single match the fps gets reduced. I assume I have an avarage of 50 fps loss every hour. After a point when the game becomes unplayable for me (80-90 fps in overwatch low settings) I restart my PC and the cycle starts again. I play my first game after the restart smoothly, over time it gets worse. I play a lot of modern FPS games such as Black Ops 2-3, Battlefield series, CS:GO and mostly Overwatch. Therefore input lag is usually a problem for me while playing these games, not just fps. Please don’t tell me “Your FPS is limited with your display refresh rate” because yes I know, but there is a huge input delay difference between playing 250+ fps and 120 fps. Even though it didn’t matter, I would like to know why my computer is capable of playing a game above 200 fps but doesn’t.

Here is a list of things that could help you find a solution:

My computer:

1- There is no overheating. I’ve monitored the gpu and cpu temps within 4 hours or so, the max temp the gpu gets is 65 and the cpu is 55-60 depending on the game. The temps are exactly the same as my first game and 3 hours later.

2- There are no other programs running except steam, origin, and discord. It does not change the process even if I open any other program such as spotify etc

3- NVidia settings are ALL high performance chosen.

4- My graphics driver is up to date.

5- Game DVR and shadowplay etc are ALL off

6- Windows power plan is set to high performance

7- I’m not sure if all the services in msconfig except Microsoft ones are disabled, will try to disable them all and give more info tomorrow. But I assure you most of them are disabled.

8- There is no delayed launcher or any update agent that starts working after a while.

9- Power cable and adapter is completely fine.

10- Bios and all drivers are up to date.

11- I’ve done hardware checks of CPU, GPU, RAM, SSD, HDD they are all clean.

12- I’ve tried “clean boot” but it only makes the process slower. The performance loss is still there.

Any suggestion is appreciated, thank you for your time.
Question from icancanakci : "Alienware 17 goes slow after a few hours, restart solves it."

My specs:
GTX 1070
intel i7 7700HQ

The notebook is pretty new. I play a lot of competitive fps games thus fps and input lag are big issues for me. When I boot the computer in the morning it works just fine for a straight 2 hour or so. Slowly, I get performance loss. For exemple, in the first two hours I get around 240 fpn in overwatch (low settings for minimum latency) and the input lag is not noticable, almost nonexistent. I created a thread before about the input lag, its not caused by the usb port nor the mouse, I think it’s connected to this issue. Anyways, after the first hours, let’s say 3rd hour, I get around 180~200. Around 4th hour, I start to get lower than 120 and its unbearable for me because the input lag messes up my gameplay. I reboot the computer, the cycle restarts.

What I’ve tried?
-Ran a full hardware check in Dell Support Assist, everything is fine.
-Disabled all unnecessary services and closed all applications before playing
-Updated all drivers
-Ran a RAM check, its clean
-Clean boot does not change anything
-nvidia settings are all on maximum performance
-The most important one, there is no overheating. The first two hours the gpu is around 65C and the CPU is around 60C. In my prev notebook I was seeing over 80C and had no problems. When the performance loss starts, the temps are pretty much the same, the max temp of the gpu is 67-68 and the cpu is max 60 again.

Any help is appreciated. I don’t want to resend it to dell because it’s gonna take a while for them to send it back for whatever reason.