Phenom II successful/not successful core unlock

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Jun 26, 2009
OK I built a phenom II X2 system and as many of you who read my threads know I successfully unlocked the locked cores on it...I know that a number of people here on toms also had the same success I did...
For those who don't know about my system I'll post it later...
But I just want all the people who had success/no success in unlocking any phenom II X2 or X3 to post their results on this thread...or you could just PM me...I'm gonna do a phenom II unlocking guide and I want to collect some statistics to see approximately how high of a chance it is to build a computer with an X2 or X3 and successfully unlock.

PS: If it's not hard I would like to also know what motherboard and bios version you guys used to unlock. For those who didn't have success in unlocking cores this guide I'm working on might help in unlocking it if they did something wrong...
Thanks again... :)


they are dirt cheap now at days 😉

I havent gotten one yet. Getting a GPU first, still using my 8600 GTS. i WAS going to get the hyper 212+ at first but i really dislike how it looks lol. So i then decided on a Tuniq tower extreme 120 i think it was, then for 10 bucks more thought i MAY go with the corsair h50 stand alone water cooler, just to give it a try. I know it only equals high performance air cooling, but it seems nice.
I got a 720BE unlocked via MSI 790FX-GD70 with BIOS 1.6 via the EC Firmware in the Cell Menu.
I have update my BIOS to 1.9 and still able to unlock via "Unlock Cores" so it goes to prove that AMD does not prohibit its partners to incorporate unlocking of cores and even more so encourages probably to boost AMD processors selling points.
Unlocked two this week


MA770T-UD3P mobo
Phenom II X2 550 BE (0950GPMW on processor - batch 950? )
Bios F5

Both simple unlocks and both rock solid on the Prime.

It was a joke and I was not serious.

In addition, I didn't even say anything bad about AMD, didn't I? In fact, I think AMD is so kind that they choose to let you hack out the locked cores.

(However, I would still go with the quad even my MB is an AM3 as those unlocked cores could be bad ones and latest BIOSs might not support them.)

BTW, what made you so angry and care about so much as if I killed your dad?


You can go and stay in the AMD zone if you really hate Intel owners. We Intel owners will never go there as we don't trust any information come from there.

This saying about "unlocked cores could be bad ones" may be applicable in the times of old. But nowadays, people unlocks and overclocks these gems of processors to the same level as the unlocked versions. If it's a bad core, it wont unlock. If it's a bad core, it wont overclock and survive stresstest that they are subjected to, period.
I dont understand the hate for either company honestly. But every penny to me matters, so im just not willing to pay for a name, rather then performance, so i went AMD.
I don't hate AMD, bro.

Actually, I really want them to come up with processors that can compete with i7 and Gulftown and so we will get bargains.

What I hate is AMD fanboys who always give craps.

How do you know peoples with unlocked CPUs did sufficient stress test? A lot of peoples here consider passing 1 hours IBT or p95 as stable which is a joke TO ME.

Yeah i can understand. Its like me with god, i dont hate god, he is fine. It is his fan club that needs to be put down.

I, myself have a sweet spot for nvidia cards because of EVGA and EVGA alone. Sadly i will be getting an ATI card though 😛

I don't. How do you know they didn't?
But in any case, people who post their overclocks show it either by 1 hour stress test, a full day or anything in between. If they are happy with it then why stop them? I myself would not do anything more than 3 hours. In fact I am happy with 1 hour cause in my normal gaming use, I do not put 100% load on my PC for more than 30 minutes. If you can only accept an unlocked core is good by subjecting it to at least 24 hours stress test on prime95, I still believe it can be done. But I won't do it because it will be a waste of my time and electricity.

That means you are unsure about if their PC is 100% stable or not and so don't say that all unlocked CPUs are good. You have no proof at all!

You should use "might, could ...etc" like me in cases that are uncertain.

BTW, I said unlocked cores could be bad instead of they are bad!

THing is this also holds true for any processor at any speed - even if you buy a true quad core you could get one that has a partially bad core at any time - It's not like AMD or Intel are running every chip through endless hours of testing - besides the fact that every MOBO and Every PSU is going to give a slightly different amount of power to the CPU which could in itself cause some instability - best you can do is run the tests and find out for yourself if it passes them which still will never ensure 100% that it will always be stable - I mean sure the manufacturer does some testing on a sample of chips to get the mean settings that the line of chips can support allowing some headroom to ensure the majority of the chips will be stable but that doesn't ensure that every chip off the line will perform 100% so it is always the luck of the draw whether it will remain stable so buying a dual or triple core and assuming that same risk by unlocking it is the same as risking running your quad core at a slight increase in speed which is why we all take those risks anyway because we enjoy doing it - and we all know the risks we assume in doing it - besides if you are doing mission critical work then you wouldn't be doing it on an Oc'd or unlocked system to begin with !!!!
I know for a fact that my cores are all good unlocked half a year already running at 3.8Ghz stress test for 4 hour (sufficient for me) and it all still works...
Normally bad cores either don't unlock, require a ton of voltage, don't overclock, and/or don't pass more than a few minutes of prime95/stress testing.
Plus if you unlock from an X2 and only one core is bed you can lock it and have an x3 which is still a core...

And andy5174, amd is making a cpu to compete with the year 2011 they are releasing the bulldozer which should come in 4, 6, and 8 core versions all made with a 32nm process... originally was supposed to be released this year 2010 as a 45nm but amd decided to make a 6 core phenom and go with the bulldozer being 32nm....which personally I think is good...
Anyway thanks to all who posted theirs successes/non successes and configurations...
Keep posting I want to get an accurate statistic/success percentage ...😉
@ Videl,
Gigabyte MA785GM-US2H AM2+ socket mATX (purchased as a bundle w/550BE-lucky me)
Crucial 2048MB PC6400 DDR2 800MHz (2x1024)
WD Caviar TSD-500AAJS DH
Cooler Master Elite 341 mini-mid tower (excellent airflow)
CM elite series 460W psu (has 2 separate sata x 2 conns, let me put things where I wanted to)
Giga Radeon HD 4650 1mb gpu
Westinghouse LCM-22W2 monitor (if you run into one of these or a 22W3, get it-cheap and amazing-have had it for 3 years)
I think I did alright assembling a system mainly used for flight sims.
Going to spend time tonight and start from scratch with small incremental changes and a detailed log.
Downloaded CPU-Z (essentially the same as my easytune6 from GB) and Prime95.
Info on other testing programs that I should download?
Then all I have to do is figure out how to post results. (I'm older and new to alot of this)
Thanks again for your post.