Philips 26PFL3403 starts with pattern of coloured vertical lines

Timo Beil

May 4, 2012
my Philips 26PFL3403 LCD-TV / Monitor shows a slowly changing pattern of coloured vertical lines (sometimes fading into a white screen and then into colours again) for about 10 minutes before the TV image appears. After an hour or two the image stalls for about 5 to 10 seconds and then fades into the coloured stripe pattern again.

I've seen defective LCDs with colored vertical lines, more or less static. This case appears to be different since the pattern is continously changing and the last image before failure is captured and displayed for 5 to 10 seconds. I don't think it is captured inside the LCD.

Any ideas?

best regards,

I read about a similar case that produced the same vertical lines due to a mainboard power failure. I had a closer look at the power unit and spotted a bad electrolytic capacitor. I replaced it and thought the problem was solved since the Philips worked flawlessly from the start.

This evening I realised it's not solved at all, still vertical lines for about 5 minutes from power-on. Slight improvement, however...
I've checked all voltages involved, following a Philips repair manual, both before and after the coloured vertical streaks suddenly disappear and video image appears. I've not been able to watch the image re-disappearing, however.

It now takes about 5 minutes for the image to appear, I think I can live with that for the moment. If it's getting worse I'll give the LCD TV to a younger family member to use it as a PC monitor for gaming.

Thanks for your patience!

Timo Beil

one more observation: during the waiting-for-image time there's a noise from the left speaker, sounds like a dying cooling fan. But there is no fan inside this monitor. I tried to control the speaker's volume without success. But I realized some of the center colour lines moved right and left like (what should have been) the OSD volume bar.