Samsung LCD TV; can't get rid of thin black vertical lines.


Nov 2, 2014
Hi; I inherited a problematic Samsung 55 inch LCD TV (2010 model LN55C610) recently. It had evenly-spaced, thin vertical black lines about 2 or 3 mm apart, and after warming up also started to flicker, which made the black lines cycle through different colors, and sometimes the picture would go negative in color. I figured I had two overlapping problems, and so cut a jumper (JP584 I believe) on the power supply board; something that was suggested online to fix strobing or flickering, since the power supply electrolytic capacitors didn't seem the least bit swollen and I still had power. This didn't fix anything right away, but after letting the TV sit for a few days, the flickering problem was gone. The lines are now permanently black even after a long warm up, and appear on images from all sources, including the self-diagnosis internal test photo, as before. Wiggling or tapping the inputs did not and does not have any effect. I have disconnected all wired cables and flex ribbon cables between all boards and reconnected them to no effect. They all appear firmly and properly inserted. Any further ideas? One fellow suggests dragging a soldering iron carefully and briefly across the solder connections on the ribbon insert connectors on each of the two boards it connects to. I haven't tried that, and I don't have any duplicate circuit boards to swap in. What is the likely cause of such a symptom? Does it have anything to do with HDTV or Blu-Ry resolution signals. I successfully reset to factory settings once, and also updated the firmware to the latest as my first steps, before cutting the jumper.
[email removed]
Hello... You can find replacemnt boards on EBAY, search by the # on the Boards... I would try the LCD driver board, the one with the Two flat cables that go directly to your LCD.
It is common for Samsung to use that same board in different model.

I haven't yet looked for the cost of the board on ebay (the purchase and replacement of which is a gamble), but your suggestion made me realize I hadn't disconnected and reconnected all the ribbon cables. There are actually four ribbon cables (not two) that run from the board you mention to the screen. I reconnected or reseated the ends that connect to that board, which requires the removal of some screws securing metal parts which support the base (in order to get at them), but I couldn't figure out how to remove parts that allow me to disconnect these 4 short cables at the screen end. I may have to remove screws on the front under the front decorative frame. I don't know what the odds are that simply reconnecting or cleaning these four connections will make any difference. I'm assuming very little, because the picture still looks the same at the moment. I'm taking my time.
I have the exact same problem and have done the same steps as ksoehn to try to resolve the issues including cutting the jumper as suggested. My unit is inconsistent about when it will cause this error or not. It is typically always right after powering on for the first time in a while. My unit will also have bright colored distortion in the picture that typically look like irregular oval rings of different colors between the black vertical lines. One time I was able to get the problem to go away when I bummed the tv as I was going to look behind it. I have tried multiple other times to mimic it without any results. For me, the issue usually corrects itself eventually. Many times, the tv is turned on without the problem surfacing at all. The vertical lines and color distortions are present on the menus themselves across all inputs.

Any help is appreciated.


So, I have taken off the metal strip that protects the long board below the LCD screen by removing 5 or 6 screws on the front of the bottom frame, under the decorative plastic trim, removing the wire cable to the right corner control switches first. I reseated and cleaned the four riibbon cables on the opposite end from before (connecting to the long board) and reassembled. No change.

The cheapest replacement boards are around $45 with shipping but range up to around $100 w/. Bit too much to risk without knowing for sure, for me.

It might help after cutting the jumper to unplug the set and let it sit for a day or so, to fix the flickering problem, although I didn't see anyone else suggest this. Back at square (or is it line) one, for me.
I'm not really willing to gamble any money and effort (and US/Canada cross-border complications), if I don't know what the explanation for the problem is. Having a board to swap in would be ideal of course, as a diagnostic tool.

The jumper which 'jantz' said he had already cut is probably the same one I cut, or its equivalent in another Samsung model, and is highly discussed on various forums for certain Samsung models. I was very sceptical as well, and put off doing it until I had exhausted other possibilities, but there was no indication that anybody had produced further harm by doing it, it cost me nothing, and I knew I could easily solder the connection back together if necessary. The jumper is on the power board, not the LCD driver, and cutting it seems to have solved the flickering element of my picture problems, which was always present after a few minute warm up, and could not be changed. The only thing I added was that the fix was not immediate in my case, but letting the set sit unplugged after the cut, which might reset capacitive charges (I don't know), ended up removing the flickering symptom, even though its description (for my set) did not entirely/completely/exactly match other descriptions or pictures of flickering found on the net. It might come back, as some people have claimed, but so far the set is stable in its new faulty-picture mode.

Now the only remaining probem is the vertical black lines (which occur at all times, and even behind menu screens, as 'jantz' said). There are so many inidividual wires in the 4 ribbon cables running from the LCD control board, it made me think it could be just one of them open that could cause a symptom like this, which is why I checked the connections. The ones that run from the long board directly to the screen are hard wired in, but don't appear damaged. I don't know exactly how LCD screens themselves are wired or energized, so some of these wires in the ribbon cables may control a horizontal component (I don't know). There must be some clue in the fact that the lines are all vertical.
This thread is fascinating to me. I hopped online and Googled precisely the same issue...amazing how others have had the exact same thing happen to them (same TV, same basic issue, etc.). But my challenge is that I am completely un-tech savvy, so my "solution" is to pick up the phone and call someone who can come over and fix my TV! I guess this isn't a problem my cable provider can fix, so can anyone point me in the right direction as to whom I could contact for assistance? THANKS, much appreciated, happy new year.


So, if you find it fascinating, maybe you shouldn't underestimate your abilities. Getting the back off only involves a phillips screwdriver (and you can google that if you don't know what it is) and removing a few screws. However, you don't explain which of my TV's problems are actually yours as well. If it's only the strobing or flickering, the fix that worked for me is pretty easy to accomplish. If it's the replacement of a board to fix the black lines, which I still haven't verified is the way to go, that involves a little more savvy, but still isn't all that difficult with the right instructions. Which problem is it? The thing is, these sets are ungainly because of their screen size, so even if you locate a warranty depot for Samsung in your city, if you even live in a city, you have to get the set there, because like most doctors, techs don't usually do house calls. So, for all the hassle that might be, maybe you have a friend who can handle a screwdriver. Just brainstorming.
By the way, if anyone reading this decides to give up fixing the same Samsung model described above, and before pitching or recycling it, is willing to snail mail me any or all of the three boards discussed, for swapping experiments, I'm all ears. Cheers, Ken.
Black Vertical Streaks: Possible Fix!!

Try running a one of the newer HONEYWELL air cleaners for a month or 2. Run for at least 16hr per day. I had many thick black, vertical streaks on my 8yr old Sharp TV. They are now gone! I can't really explain why, but those nasty streaks are gone. Really.

Hilarious, Dennis! But after years of cleaning my Dad's truck windshield and my Grandpa's windows on the inside, I would recommend soap and water, or windex for a chronic smoker's glass surfaces, including any stoner's mirror. Don't drink, gargle, or inhale it though. It won't clean your lungs safely (you need that surfactant), but It's a lot cheaper than a Honeywell if your TV screen is all you're worried about. However, as a possible explanation, I think your dog or cat, or maybe your mom or girlfriend, secretly licked off the nasty streaks that were already there. Keep up the good work. Really. Ken
I do not doubt Dennis, most of these air cleaners, are ozone producing machines. ozone will tarnish your silver and rust steel like a gun barrel for example.. fast.. or in this case fix your tv. haha. I have a smsung w vertical lines. I will not be using ozone to fix it.
I too have the vertical line problem on a 3 1/2 year old Samsung Smart TV. I google this problem and got a ton of hits. I'm wondering by Samsung hasn't offered a fix on something that is clearly a design flaw. They should provide loyal customers with an explanation as well as a way to fix this issue. I've always enjoyed their products but after this problem, and their lack of response to it, I'm shopping elsewhere for a new TV.