Like I said... I'm glad it's working for you.
However, based on the huge numbers of frustrated and very angry customers I think that Pinnacle has firmly established themselves as a very poor software supplier.
- If they tested this hairball of a product effectively THEY would have found and fixed the problems before release (which they didn't)
- If they tested it and just didn't fix the problems it shows they have no problem releasing crap to unsuspecting customers
- If they cared about quality, you'd think that the next time they released a product they would do a much better job (say from v9 to v10). They didn't, V10 initial release was, if anything, even worse than V9.
- If customers complain bitterly (and believe me they did) you'd think they would fix problems quickly (they didn't, although I think I saw a lot of marketing stuff pushing this SW).
Honestly, there just isn't any excuse for this crap. The bottom line for me is that there are competitive products that are equivalent in price, have manufacturers that care about their customers and they release tested, working products every time. It's too bad... it COULD have been a great product. But I, and a lot of other people just don't trust Pinnacle any more.
I'm sorry for the rant, really. This is not directed at you, I'm glad you like and are enthusiastic about this product. I hope it works for you perfectly. But, based on their track record (over several releases), take my advice, DON'T SCREW WITH ANYTHING!
Good luck!