Solved! Pioneer zb130bt screen

Jul 2, 2018
I have a pioneer z130bt and I want to hook up a dell 24in cpu monitor as a flip down screen, idc about sound as it’ll come thru door components etc. but what connection would be best? It has hdmi hookups but my CD player don’t, I have subs hooked up rca wise to my amp (red/white) an the yellow plug on the cd is open btw. How can I get video output to just the monitor as it is on the screen in my dash?? New to this three stuff so be easy.
You only have 1 video output. You need to convert it to one that is compatible with the monitor. If the monitor has DVI then you need to convert composite video to that. DVI is digital video and composite is analog. You can't use passive cables to do that.
Headunit has composite video output. You will need to convert that into a compatible video format for the monitor. If it has HDMI inputs then
Since monitors don't have scalers build inyou will need to make sure that the output of the converter is correct for the monitor.
The monitor has HDMI and DVI connections and the radio only has rcas, so therefore I need to get rca to hdmi and a converter box?? Or can I just do the rcas from my radio to DVI to the monitor?