Solved! play 1080p on my samsung laptop xe500c12

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Aug 24, 2018
i can only realy run 480p on youtube watching a video game and or live video game example star wars battle front 2

iz there something i can puchase at a store to make it run 1080p video on one tab i dont run many tabs diferent places at once

if i do run 1080p it takes far to long az it loads and takes minutes and doez not play

i figure i watch a 1080p video right now it take a few minutes to load to get a few second of video

so again i want to load it just as fast az a 480p that takes a few second
thought that might be the answer

the 1080p looks so fun

wonder if there iz a chromebook some one knowz that can do 1080p

720p iz also hard to run on my laptop
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