Playing a Hi Def movie from my PC hard drive...Please help..


Aug 16, 2006
Hallo everyone,

Hopefully, this will be an easy question to answer.

Okay, here I go.

I have a movie file on my PC with a resolution of 1920x1080 so it's a HD movie file. My PC is currently connected to my 17 inch CRT monitor with a max resolution of 1280x1024. When I play the file, it looks nothing special i.e. as if its standard def. Does this mean the following:

1) I need a monitor capable of displaying 1920x1080?

2) To connect it via DVI-I instead of VGA?

If I do this, would it then be an equivalent to watching a Hi Def movie on a HDTV supporting 1080i?

Thanks for any help.
In terms of video resolution, your 17" PC monitor *is* a high-definition display albeit with the wrong aspect ratio. Even a DVD, the best that standard definition television has to offer, looks rather poor when full screen on a typical high-resolution 17" PC monitor. PCs actually went "progressive-scan high-definition" in the early 1990s with XGA displays. The only two things missing from your high-definition experience is the screen being 3 meters across and having proper audio.