Solved! Can't pass correctly 5.1 from PC -> HDTV -> Hometeather

Oct 1, 2018
Hi everyone! (first of all, sorry for my english, not my first lang!)
I have this problem for almost a year now, just living with it, but it get me really annoyed now..
The thing is i can't pass a correct 5.1 audio from my pc (nvidia 1080ti hdmi out) to the hdtv that is conected with a HDMI Arc to my sony home teather:

Case 1:
[ PC ----nvidia hdmi---> Sony HDTV <----Arc Hdmi--> Sony Home teather ]
In this case, i almost got perfect 5.1 via passtrough, i downloaded a test mp4 audio file to check if all the 6 speakers worked like they should (rear, front.. right.. etc) touching here and there the codecs and filters of my favorite media reproductor(Potplayer) i managed to get it to work fine yay!.
Windows showed me a 5.1 option enabled on the audio tray, but both rear and subwoofer did not worked like they should (rear sound test was played on the front speakers, also subwoofer didnot sound at all on the windows test).. it was fine since only windows sounds where wrong.. but no, all games where working wrongly too, i checked it with middle-earth - shadow of war integrated sound testing, and the result was almost the same as windows tests.. rear sounds played on the front speakers.
I installed k-lite code pack.. touched everything but nothing worked, maybe because of my short knowledge.

Case 2:

[ PC ---Nvidia Hdmi with just video--> HDTV <---Arc Hdmi--> Home Teather ]
^-----------------Optic Link----------------> ^

I disabled the audio from the nvidia hdmi.. no sound at all, at least from the PC. tested the three options from the HDTV about passing compressed audio, compressed with multiple channels, and PCM. Nothing.

Case 3:

[ Home Teather <-----Optic Link----- PC ----Nvidia video/audio---> HDTV ]

Work like case 1, but not a option since this disable the hdmi control from the hdtv over the home teather and i need to change cables every now and then to watch netflix and what not.

*Home teather only have one Out HDMI (arc)

Thanks in advance!!.. this has been my nemesis for a year now!
Turn arc off in the tv or use another tv hdmi port just to see.

With the pc connected to avr, in windows playback devices, nvidia high definition, configure speakers, do you see 5.1?
ARC if it works great, often then not ARC is a big flop, it just doesn't work well most of the time.

No need to use any mp4 files to test speakers, just the Windows playback devices speaker configuration / tests does the job.

Nvidia has great surround, 5.1 or 7.1, have used it many times on a Yamaha RX1800 AVR on normal HDMI inputs.

CEC is an option you can try to turn off both in TV and AVR. If that doesn't work, avoid Audio Return Channel HDMI inputs (ARC), the audio return just confuses HDCP.
Windows 5.1/7.1 doesn't work if you use higher than CD Quality Audio - just in case you have tried setting it to a higher setting
Have you plugged the HDMI direct into the ARC device?
ARC is for getting audio out of the TV with the same connection you use to get video from the AVR to the TV. It is meant to save having to run an additional digital cable to perform that function.
Connect all your sources, including the PC, directly to the AVR.
Connect the AVR HDMI output to the HDMI-ARC input on the TV if you use the TV tuner or apps. If you don't then you can use either HDMI input and leave ARC turned off in the TV menu.
Assuming you have set up the receiver correctly any issues you have with surround sound will be due to the PC. Usually the AVR front panel has a display to show what kind of input it is getting.
@americanauiophile ... I did that for a long time,
PC ---optical----> HT
TV --arc hdmi------^ (because i use kodi and watch netflix on it)

but with this setup i can't put games on the PC to 5.1.. they are all recognized as stereo.

Since seems like there is no solution, and moving codecs its breaking my head, i think on buying a direct PC 5.1 system (logitech z906)