Please endulge me - LCD TV's


Sep 2, 2004
Hello everyone, I am looking to purchase a LCD TV in the future and I was hoping that any of you already using one out there might be able to spare a minute and help me answer a few questions.

The basic overview of it is I am looking to purchase an LCD TV, 42" at most, more or less a 32" or 37" to not break the budget and I am going to hook my PC up to it.

What did you guys look for when purchasing your LCD TV...what should I look for?

I am hoping to spend no more than $800 so that leaves me at a 32" or 37" if I'm lucky. What are some brands I should be looking for and what are some brands I should stay away from?

Any recommendations of where to buy from? I am looking on right now and have looked on as well.

Is there anything I need to consider since I will be using this LCD as my monitor for my PC? My PC is up to date so specs aren't an issue, I have an 8800GTS.

Is there anyway to watch TV and use my desktop at the same time? Is there such thing as splitting the screen or am I singled out to one or the other?

Any other information you can share with me about your experiences, good or bad using an LCD TV I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for you time everyone,



Mar 17, 2006

Quality first next is quantity.

I am hoping to spend no more than $800 so that leaves me at a 32" or 37" if I'm lucky. What are some brands I should be looking for and what are some brands I should stay away from?
Olevia reliabity isn't as good as thier picture quality.
If a SHARP TV is near your budget. anything else check for reviews.

Any recommendations of where to buy from? I am looking on right now and have looked on as well.
Any store that carry returns, refund and exchange, customer service is a bonus.

Is there anything I need to consider since I will be using this LCD as my monitor for my PC? My PC is up to date so specs aren't an issue, I have an 8800GTS.
A LCD-TV is max at resolution of 1920X1080 or less. and may not be as responsive as real didecated PC Monitor. Be prepared especially if playing PC games.

Is there anyway to watch TV and use my desktop at the same time? Is there such thing as splitting the screen or am I singled out to one or the other?
Check the specs on TV, where some might offer PIP but only allow low res input. You may only be able to use the selector to switch between TV programs and PC connection.

Any other information you can share with me about your experiences, good or bad using an LCD TV I would greatly appreciate it.
Proper calibration of Brigthness and Contrast will give you the best viewing pleasure. Color is individual taste. Check the TV and make sure control menu is easy to use and TV should turn ON and OFF is within 4-10 to execute. You really don't want to wait that long to turn ON or OFF the TV would you? If you know what you're getting then there's really not much of surprises.

Thank you for you time everyone,
No Problem.


Mar 31, 2008
Hi novak and welcome to the Tom's forums!
Regarding to your post I suggest you to visit TestFreaks, choose TVs category and sort televisions by score.
Such way you'll see which model has the better rating based on expert and user reviews.
As for me - I'm always use such sources before I buy consumer electronics.
Hope it will help