Please help me remove an Email Virus


Feb 28, 2012
This email virus has even taken over a brand new computer as soon as I opened my email.
It takes over control of my Control key, funny huh? Not for me. It takes control of my mouse and does not let it track. It affects EVERY program I have.
It has put a contact name in my email called NakedChatshh. Does anyone know the best virus remover to use to get rid of this? I will Love you and Thank you and Worship you forever!!!!!!!!!!!

You may find Manual Removal Instructions if you search for that virus name from a working computer. Kapersky has a Rescue CD which you can download for free, burn a bootable CD (Instructions on their site) then boot the infected computer to update the virus signature file, and scan for viruses.
They also provide a USB bootable version.