Portable mp3 Player the reads DVDs


Sep 21, 2001
Has anyone heard of a MP3 diskmen that reads DVD disk? I though I heard that sony was working on one.... Sure would be cool to store 4 gigs of MP3s on a dvd and pop them in a cd player
I have never heard of one, though I'd be one of the first one to get one when it comes out. In theory, a portable dvd player that plays mp3's should be able to play mp3's burned on a DVD provided that you have a DVD burner.
FYI: I have herd DVD+R is much more compatible to DVD players than DVD-R. Also RW DVDs don't work well with DVD players, especially older ones. Also stick with major brands: imation, TDK, etc. Some generic brands work fine, others don't work well.
Errr ... I've never heard of one. Anyway, a CD can hold more than enough songs, right?

Gary Hendricks
<A HREF="http://www.digital-music-guide.com" target="_new">www.digital-music-guide.com</A>
i have heard of them yes. i cannot say a product name or anything but i know they exist (now). saw it on tech TV


<A HREF="http://www.mud-puddle.co.nz" target="_new">http://www.mud-puddle.co.nz</A> its where its all going on, oh and its also all going on HERE <A HREF="http://doug.mud-puddle.co.nz/gallery/" target="_new">http://doug.mud-puddle.co.nz/gallery/</A>