Preout connecting to Bosch amplifier


Feb 5, 2015
I have denon x2000 whose preout i have connected to Bosch Amplifer Lbd1938 Via a RCA-XLR cable.
The Bosch is in turn connected to my garden speakers via 100V line out.
Problem is although i get the sound but Volume is really low and also sound quality is quite bad.
I have connected all speakers on 30W tap and even after keeping bosch volume at max the sound is very low.
Any solution? please help.
Use the 8ohm outputs. From what I read this is a Mono amp meant for PA use and it is not a very good music amp compared to many others. Also it is shown to be 240v input from the "wall outlet". That said your low volume is because of an impedance mismatch between the 100v 330kOhm output and your probably 8 Ohm speakers.
Use the 8ohm outputs. From what I read this is a Mono amp meant for PA use and it is not a very good music amp compared to many others. Also it is shown to be 240v input from the "wall outlet". That said your low volume is because of an impedance mismatch between the 100v 330kOhm output and your probably 8 Ohm speakers.
hi dog snake..Yes its a mono amp.. I have 12 speakers and hence used 100V line out from the amp. From all blogs that i read for multiple garden speakers 100V line is most commonly used.
The speaker has a 100V line input so i don't quite get the line on impedance mismatch.. below is the spec of the speakers if this can give a clearer picture
Input Power
Power Taps on 100V
2×5" Full Range
Frequency Response
SPL (at 1W/1m)
Gotcha, OK so which taps are you using on the speakers? I am almost sure that your lack of volume and distortion is because of an imp. mismatch. The amp is working into to high of an imp. load. Try one speaker on the various taps this may end up being a trial and error thing. You could call Bosch and they will help also. If you use 12 speakers at their lowest imp. tap: 12X250=3000 Ohms load. The 100V specs. at 330k Ohms. So you wold be ok load wise if you are using 40w/250 Ohm tap on the speakers. Let me know as it has been many years since I fooled with audio. Back in a day I was doing sound for clubs and rock concert events but we did not use your type of amp. But please let me know.