Hey guys, I have an issue here, and it has been something that I haven't paid much attention to until now where it is bugging me. Whenever I try to find out the real creation dates of photos/videos (a.k.a when they were taken), there are two different dates, one where the video/photo was created on the filesystem and the other when it was actually taken. I get confused by the Date Modified and Accessed because they are not the real dates, but instead are dates on the filesystem. So therefore I always have to use exiftool to show the real creation dates on the photos/videos and I have to manually rename my video/photo files with datestamps like this e.g. (Youtube Test Video [7-27-16}.mp4) on it which is extremely time consuming since I drag in lots of videos very often onto my desktop. Is there a much easier and less time consuming way to do this? If I'm preserving memories from videos and photos, I do not want to find out years later where the date that these were taken were absolutely wrong.