Program that will automatically add song lyrics to the ID3 tag


Jun 7, 2008
I am looking for a program that will find song lyrics and edit their id3 tags with the lyrics so I can view them on my iPod.

Hope you can help.

TagRunner will do this for you. If your music is fairly mainstream the success rate will be higher, obscure music may not result in success at all, but you can edit and add information as you feel.

You can test run the program for 25 songs before deciding to buy, but it will cost you for the full version.
Thanks man... although I was kind of looking for Freeware, but I'm downloading this now and ill see if its worth the $25!
I had a quick look online and you may not have to spend money.

First is this tutorial on how to view lyrics on an Ipod. It shows how to enter them manually into iTunes and synching the files with your Ipod.

You should be able to copy and paste the lyrics, so all you need to do now is find them.

Here's a site that makes recommendations on finding those lyrics.